Wie gehst du als Venture Capitalist an Social Media und Personal Branding heran? (2024)

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  • Navin Goyal MD Venture Capital With People at the Center: Fueled by Physician Ethics and Clinical Experience, 3x Founder, Learning as…

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  • Charles-Edouard Bouée Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Adagia Partners | LinkedIn Top Voice | former Roland Berger CEO | Investor | Author |

    Wie gehst du als Venture Capitalist an Social Media und Personal Branding heran? (5) 12

  • Jessy Wu Partner at AfterWork Ventures | Top Voice in Tech and Venture Capital

    Wie gehst du als Venture Capitalist an Social Media und Personal Branding heran? (7) 9

Wie gehst du als Venture Capitalist an Social Media und Personal Branding heran? (8) Wie gehst du als Venture Capitalist an Social Media und Personal Branding heran? (9) Wie gehst du als Venture Capitalist an Social Media und Personal Branding heran? (10)

1 Definieren Sie Ihre Ziele und Ihre Zielgruppe

Bevor Sie mit dem Posten und Engagement in den sozialen Medien beginnen, müssen Sie eine klare Vorstellung davon haben, was Sie erreichen und wen Sie erreichen möchten. Möchten Sie Ihr Fachwissen unter Beweis stellen, Ihre Erkenntnisse teilen, Dealflow anziehen oder mit anderen Investoren in Kontakt treten? Möchten Sie Gründer, Kollegen, LPs oder die breite Öffentlichkeit ansprechen? Abhängig von Ihren Zielen und Ihrer Zielgruppe müssen Sie die richtigen Plattformen, den richtigen Ton, den richtigen Inhalt und die richtige Häufigkeit für Ihre Social-Media-Präsenz auswählen.

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  • Katrina Klier Senior Managing Partner | GTM Leader | Chief Marketing Officer | Former Accenture, Microsoft, HP | Board Director | NACD.DC Directorship Certified | Private Directors Association
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    You need to have a defined approach and related content for each of your goals. For example your goals may include expanding your personal brand or firm's brand, expanding your network, or creating leads / deal flow. Then figure out the audiences related to each goal and build content, articles, blogs, podcasts, POV videos, etc. that can go into social posts. Social posts and engagement may be quick, but the benefit of social media is a long game, won through consistency and clarity of focus.


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  • Nikita Singh Founder| Author| Blogger| Writer | Changemaker
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    Choosing your goal for your social media presence is vital. What every might be doing as marketers or as VC firms may not be the right way for you. Set aside your messaging, the end result you wish to see. Your goal should ultimately let people know you for the value you add to their lives both on social media as well as a VC firm


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2 Wählen Sie Ihre Plattformen mit Bedacht

Es gibt viele Social-Media-Plattformen, aber nicht alle eignen sich für Ihr Personal Branding als Risikokapitalgeber. Sie müssen überlegen, wo sich Ihre Zielgruppe befindet, welche Art von Inhalten sie konsumiert und wie viel Zeit und Mühe Sie in jede Plattform investieren können. Twitter ist zum Beispiel eine beliebte Plattform für VC-Vordenker, Networking und Deal-Sourcing, erfordert jedoch häufige und prägnante Beiträge und Interaktionen. LinkedIn ist eine professionellere und formellere Plattform, auf der Sie Ihr Portfolio präsentieren, längere Artikel teilen und mit potenziellen LPs und Partnern in Kontakt treten können. Andere Plattformen wie Medium, Substack, Clubhouse oder YouTube können ebenfalls nützlich sein, um verschiedene Arten von Inhalten wie Blogs, Newsletter, Podcasts oder Videos zu erstellen und zu verbreiten.

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  • Navin Goyal MD Venture Capital With People at the Center: Fueled by Physician Ethics and Clinical Experience, 3x Founder, Learning as a Girl Dad, and an Underdog Mentality.
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    I’ve been using LinkedIn since I was a practicing physician, and I continue to use it and share experiences, learnings, failures, and encouragement as a VC. There is so much intrigue and interest in venture capital and there is an opportunity to share what it’s like to raise capital, strategically help portfolio companies, invest in underserved founders and why, and the many other things that VC touches. There is an opportunity to build your brand but also an opportunity to shape the expectations and opportunities for our future fund managers.


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  • Nikita Singh Founder| Author| Blogger| Writer | Changemaker
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    Being present on social media platforms can not be the total way of increasing audience. What I have understood is every platform has its on goal and audience and thus its vital to build your choice of platforms correctly. As a marketer at a VC firm what worked for us is LinkedIn that helped us reach out both LPs and founders and the idea behind the same was to show that VC firms can be connected through LinkedIn and conversation can be built for investments. But having said that having a strong website, founders LinkedIn, twitter and emailer added wonders to the platform choice for us. Well, twitter is a great way no doubt , but my experience put its as a place that saw lot of changes in the past and building a strategy wasn't helpful.


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    We have found that LinkedIn is great from a more content creation/curation/personal branding perspective. But from a company and distribution perspective, LinkedIn is far from what we’d need. We’ve gravitated towards substack given it’s ease of use and distribution power/hacks.


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3 Erstellen Sie wertvolle und authentische Inhalte

Der Schlüssel zum Aufbau einer erfolgreichen persönlichen Marke in den sozialen Medien liegt darin, Inhalte zu erstellen, die für Ihr Publikum und Sie selbst wertvoll und authentisch sind. Sie möchten nützliche Informationen, Einblicke, Meinungen oder Geschichten bereitstellen, die Ihr Fachwissen, Ihre Persönlichkeit und Ihre Werte zeigen. Sie sollten auch vermeiden, zu selbstvermarktend, verkaufsorientiert oder allgemein zu sein. Sie können verschiedene Formate und Stile verwenden, um Ihre Botschaft zu vermitteln, z. B. Daten, Anekdoten, Fallstudien, Frameworks, Trends oder Vorhersagen. Sie können auch Inhalte aus anderen Quellen kuratieren und teilen, die Sie relevant oder interessant finden.

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  • Jessy Wu Partner at AfterWork Ventures | Top Voice in Tech and Venture Capital
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    There's content, and there's content that builds a parasocial relationship with your audience. The most memorable personal brands are the ones that portray a full fledged character - someone with depth, quirks, and even flaws. With an abundance of content online, the way to cut through is to resonate - to connect with someone on a human level. Personally I inject whimsy and character into my personal brand by interspersing VC / startup content with other things I find fascinating - from linguistic trends and etymology to observations about discourse and culture. Dialogue is also important - and sparking a conversation in your comments section is a great way to increase reach.


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  • Nikita Singh Founder| Author| Blogger| Writer | Changemaker
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    Content is the key and any content that build up value in human life matters. At the end its human to human marketing that is big key.If your content brings back someone to talk to you, discover you or even connect with you on social media your job is done. Remember in the world of AI, AI generated content would seem to be any easy fast choice but the drawback is that its not giving you something that is already on present. So build your own voice, create a mix form strategy and work on distribution as well. Also remember to write from your point of view than company, you build the identity to the company as a thought leader. At the end ask yourself, I am solving a question the founders or LPs are looking for and it's not available!


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4 Interagieren Sie mit Ihrer Community

Social Media ist keine Einbahnstraße. Sie müssen sich mit Ihrer Community auseinandersetzen, um Vertrauen, Glaubwürdigkeit und Beziehungen aufzubauen. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie auf Kommentare, Fragen oder Feedback zu Ihren Beiträgen antworten, indem Sie an Gesprächen über Themen teilnehmen oder diese initiieren, die Sie interessieren, indem Sie anderen Influencern oder Kollegen in Ihrem Bereich folgen oder diese erwähnen, indem Sie die Inhalte anderer Personen liken oder teilen oder indem Sie an Veranstaltungen oder Gruppen teilnehmen, die sich auf Ihre Nische beziehen. Sie können auch soziale Medien nutzen, um potenzielle Gründer, LPs oder Partner zu erreichen, aber stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie dies auf respektvolle und persönliche Weise tun.

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  • Katrina Klier Senior Managing Partner | GTM Leader | Chief Marketing Officer | Former Accenture, Microsoft, HP | Board Director | NACD.DC Directorship Certified | Private Directors Association
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    It's important to remember it's called 'social' media for a reason. That reason is because it is about engagement and conversations. Otherwise you're using these channels for PR push messaging.


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  • Nikita Singh Founder| Author| Blogger| Writer | Changemaker
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    Social media is a community building platform and your real community is your trustworthy engaging audience.Always remember you are not worth the number of followers you have, you are worth the number of reposts, shares, comments and conversations.Always be quicker in response to comments. Work on distribution as much as content and engage on other company and thought leaders as well. Collaboration is also an amazing way to community creation.


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5 Seien Sie konsequent und professionell

Schließlich müssen Sie als Risikokapitalgeber in Ihren sozialen Medien und Ihrem Personal Branding konsequent und professionell sein. Sie benötigen eine klare und kohärente Identität und Stimme auf verschiedenen Plattformen und Kanälen. Sie müssen regelmäßig und häufig posten und sich engagieren, aber nicht zu viel oder zu wenig. Sie müssen die Regeln und die Etikette jeder Plattform und Community respektieren. Sie müssen auch auf Ihren Ruf und Ihr Image achten und vermeiden, etwas zu posten oder zu sagen, das Ihrer Glaubwürdigkeit, Vertrauenswürdigkeit oder Ethik schaden könnte.

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  • Mark S. McNally
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    All great points... I would suggest that traditional VC stereotypes are of being fairly stuffy, exclusive clubs, where people feel judged and the power lies on the VC side of the table. Consistent and professional feels a bit too tied to the stereotype for my taste. I would argue that the next generation personality of new and existing VCs will have to be way more approachable, open, human, collaborative and raw. At the end of the day VCs are lucky to have great founders choose them. And I personally believe some of the greatest founder possibilities in the coming years are from emerging markets and from atypical founders.


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6 Hier ist, was Sie sonst noch beachten sollten

Dies ist ein Ort, an dem Sie Beispiele, Geschichten oder Erkenntnisse teilen können, die in keinen der vorherigen Abschnitte passen. Was möchten Sie noch hinzufügen?

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  • Mark S. McNally
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    It takes a village! << -- Is that copywrighted? What I mean is that at Nobody Studios we actively get our message out from everybody in the studio and in all forms without much of a filter. At this point in our journey i'll get on a call with somebody for the first time and it seems like they know our team, me, our vision, our personality, even some of the challenges we've overcome as well as our vision. And I realize now after many of these calls that my new friends are digesting many pieces of content from all of our posters in many forms (LI, TikTok, IG, newsletter, etc). So I encourage you to go fully broad and embrace many forms. Its the best way to attract the right audience (where they are) and forge the right relationships


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    This I maybe a bit controversial as a statement but I'd love to share it anyway. This quote is from a guest in my podcast (where we interview European VCs):"Personal brand-building for managers has zero to negative correlation with actual fund performance. We have seen this time and time again, emerging managers today are highly focused on personal brand building and establishing social media presence. Interestingly, the actual fund performance of the most vocal fund managers is constantly lower than those managers that are not quite as focused on personal brand building. It is unclear why this is the case and whether its a question of focus - but in our dataset, the strongest managers have the lowest social media activity."


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Wie gehst du als Venture Capitalist an Social Media und Personal Branding heran? (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.