The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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8 juuncTnaa tjuji 8 1 Wants musentEnts NEW ENGLAND NEWS ITEMS CITY ITEMS Armory Band will furnish music for tlieoc ifcil0Ol5 i i s5 id WATER WOBkS THE TRAGEDY AT CHICAGO WANTED agents wanted agents an ted Inquire of Auction Galcb b5 The Haib Kestoeer flrit gives the best satisfac tion is Used and sold everywhere WM RICHARDS ot Office Kotunda Dr Marshall lung inlmlist and lifer physician of New York so famous for curing all diseases of the head ears throat Jungs heart liver bowels and blood will be tin Pittsfield at United States Hotel September 11 in Springfield Hotel 15 17 Worcester Bay State House 18 19 Consultation ii sonic gathering and addresses This hall was first used for Masonic purposes in 1827 It is at present occupied by the following bodies Hamp den lodge Roswell Lee lodge Morning Star chap ter Springfield council of royal and select mas ters Springfield encampment of knights tem plars and Evening Star grand lodge of perfec tion JA BORERS WANTED ON THE BIED In this city 7th 1 illiam Hosmer 80 1'rneral to day (Saturday) at 3 at 2" Oak street At Princeton Sth Mrs Scran I 'av 85 At Holly Springs Miss Glh ult Edward 51 son of Rev David Holman of 1 tugliH At Hartford 6th Maiiv A 37 wife of rederick Lumby At Colchester rt 1st T)r Lancelot Phelps 82 At Norfolk Ct 5th Silas Buitu 72 At Ashbnrnh un 2d Elizabeth Glazier32 At Meriden ci 6th Walter 1man Sij SUNDAY NOTICES Rev Kendall of Webster preach to mor row afternoon at the Olivet church Rev Dr Eddy of Northampton will preach for the Memorial church to morrow Services at 1615 a and 3i5 and at the Auburn street school licuse at a quarter before 8 Rev Mr Scott of the Union street Methodist church will preach in the City Hall tc nierrow (Sunday) af ternoon at 3 o'clock A Briggs II Alexander Jr 1) Harris Thompson 3 Benns Samuel Bowles George Dwght Bond Homer ooi Wason i Il Harris Baker WS Shurtleff II Hyde II uller Pierce Dickinson Charles Cooley Hamilton Powers Emerson A Itumrill The 8 as ion CASH ISOIIM notice the birth of son io Samuel Tay lor of Westfield in our issue of the 6th was (forgery At West Springfield 3d a daughter to Henry Ashley 11 1 ii i hi iii THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8 1866 I 'T rr What Doctors' Ministers and Think of recommend their use to public Rev Chapin have never chang ed my mind respecting Bronchial Troches' from the first excepting to think better of that which 1 began thinking well Rec Henry Ward Beecher service in subduing Rev Daniel Wise Hen: York Troches are a staff of life to Edward Aorth President of Hamilton college Clinton NY simple and elegant com bination for coughs Dr Bigelow Boston s4 eodStalw A RltlKW At West Brookfield 5lh by Rev Samuel Dunlmni amuel 11 Buoiyx of Brimfield and Lizzie Hitch co*ck 1 At Clarence by Rev Hunt assisted by George Pugsley Edward Clark of Hinsdale and Mary Ploiey cf Clarence At itchburg 6th liev Dr Kendall Brooks of Philadelphia and Cynthia daughter of llaie rage 3uth nil Charles airbanks mid 8 Augusta Dean siring to change his location wish ake a new en gagement Hie best rc cteneis and testiinonia iui be furnished Address Lox 61 1 Spriugiieid in this citv at No and the new firm will a generous patrouae railroad travel Brattleboro fair this week A YaiMons Sporlins: Hinn Shot by Ills A Nad Nitory of Love Vice Jealousy Drink murder and lUiuorw The murder of George Trussell a well known and popular sporting man of Chicago and the owner of the famous trotting horsc Dexter by his beautiful and neglected mistress more than divides honors with the president's presence as occasion of local excitement in that city The whole story romantie tr igie ini) ressivc and alarniiiitr in its exhibition of our social evils is thus told in a Chicago dispatch of Wednesday Trustci was born in Danville Vt where he lived until 1819 lie then came to Kenosha where he was employed in a grocery store Pi I860 he came to Cine igo and was employed by a prominent business firm Richmond Co He possessed nnusniil business qualifications mid gained a lii'ih character for integrity and wide acquaintance in the city He shortly after com menced gambling aiid soon became propri tor of one of the largest faro banks in the city and in his profession has amui sod a fortune of over $100000 Early in bis career he met a young and beau tiful chambermaid at the: American House Cleveland with whom he cohabited until about two years ago when a difficulty occurred which ended in an open rupture them A street altercation ensued in which the girl was roughly handled by Trusscl A separation took place of course but on several occasions since a short reconciliation bad been elfeeteil with no lasting results however Trussci was the owner of the greater portion of Dexter and' ac companied by the girl Mollie Triisscl he at tended the races iu the isr where his valuab animal lias been exhibiting his prowess hdcat Buffalo his paramdur I lectune jealous of him and another quarrel was the consequence which has been growing wider and mure malignant until last evening rage jealousy and strorg drink combined caused the woman to do an act which to lay she would give her own existence to re call The mistress who has keeping an aristocratic and most luxitr ously furumhcd house of ill fame in this city while in a fit of partial intoxication arrayed herself in her most gor geous finely armed herself with a revolver and setoutlh't evening in search of Trussel Sie seafclieil lor hint in a'l the various places was in the habit of frequenting and finally at It o'clock' found him in a saloon attached to Trice's livery stable on Randolph Street' Trussci was standing with sonic of his friends in the saloon when she entered by a sale door opening into the stable Approaching: tint she look him by the coat collar saying I want to sec you TUIE CHAMPION CLOTHES WRINGER JL Is the best in market or sale at iumactmcrt' JAMES ABBE cor Main and ort streets mils lion during the past year The amount of United States bonds owned iu the city is $1000000 The rate of taxation is S2480 per thousand and the heaviest tax payer John Brown who con tributes $10725: Senator essenden pays $1265 and Neal Dow S187O The value of the I duelierries picked on Epping plains the present season is estimated at S40000 The portion of Augusta wh ch was nearly destroyed by fire a year since has been mostly rebuilt and the new granite and freestone structures give the citya muei improved appear ance A young lady living in Lewiston was raped by four villains while returning from the camp meet ing near that city a few days since Two of them have becii arrested and committed for trial: NEW HAMPSIIIItE Concorde is still without a postmaster on ac count of the lack of some reable Johnson sup porter to accept the honor The latest petitinn for the place comes from the widow of Col Jesse A Gove the former commander of the 22d Massachusetts regiment: The Merrimack county agricultural fair will be held1 Concord September 25 whei Charles lint secretary of the Massachusetts board of agriculture will deliver the address The sickness reported to be 60 cases of yellow feverj onboard the United States steamer Mus coota which arrived at Portsmouth from Pensa cola ia on Monday proves to have been of a milder character though the surgeons say that it would have been of the malignant type II the vessel had remained in the warm climate where the disease originated When she arrived at Portsmouth only one man was sick with the The Bee Hive 3 State street will on Monday and Tuesday September 10 and 11 and Wednesday Sep tember 19 be closed They will open next Wednes day with a desirable stuck'bf fancy goods and notions Miss A Esty whose services have been secured at the above place will no doubt be appreciated by her many friends where they will find her after Wednesday next SESSION OR 186S 7 Tlie 54th annual course of begins on TIHJK3 DAY Sept lath ami conttados 17 weeks ACIL'IY Theodore I Wuoisey 1 LL President Charles A Lindsley 1 Dean Worthington Hooker II i rot: 'Hw an 1 ofMed Benjamin "illiman II oft lieniistiy ami I'harm Stepben I lulilKU'il jl Prof of Utsletrics Cliarb A Ltudsley Prof JI it Med and Therap rancis Ba nn M'ii Prof of "ur ry Leonard i oi' A at and Moses White At In tract ir in A icroscopy (ten Barker Instructor of I'rac'l Chemistry Win I Bindley Dcnionst ot Anat A Cur of Al us ees for tickets tn all the Lectures SH2 50 Any of tin tickets may be taken pnrati ty) A atricnla tlon fe'oTS 0'0 tfckct5tti (irailiintioii 9500 meat of ees invariably in lvance or nmnmlctri itlar giving fiirtlier nifonnation address the Dean of the Puculty PRO A LIND3LEY 4 Yale Medical Institution New Have Ct y31 dawtslO At the Cape of Good Hope the Hottentots have long used Ihiclm for a variety of diseases: it was borrowed from those rude practitioners by the Eng lish and Dutch physicians on whoso recommemla lion it was employed in Europe and has now come into general use It is given chiefly in gravel chronic catarrh of the bladder morbid irritation of the blad der and urethea for female weakness and debdity for prolapsus and bearing doitn or prolapsus uteri diseases tf Hie prostrate gland retention or inconti nence of urine and all diseases requiring the aid of a diruetic arising from a loss of tone iu the parts con cerned in its evacuation It is also recommended in of dyspepsia chronic rluuniatism cutaneous affections and dropsy To cure these diseases we must bring into action the muscles which are engaged in their various function To neglect them however slight may be the attack it is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers' Our flesh mid blood are supported from hese sources Person at every period of life from infancy to old age and in very state of health are liable be subjects of these diseases Th causes in many instances are unknown The patient 7 lia liowevi r'an admirable remedy ill luid Extract of and when taken in early stages of the disease none suffer to any extent It allays pain and inflammation is free from all injuri ous properties pleasant in its taste and odor mid immediate in its action It is the anchor of hope to the physician and was al ways so estecuied by the lute eminent Dr The proprietor with upwards of thirty thousand unsolicited certificates mid hun dreds of thousands of living witnesses of its curative properties accumulated within fifii en years lias not been in the habit of resorting to their publication lie does not do tiiis from the fiet that his remedies rank as standard they do not need i be propped up by certificates The science i medicine like the Doric column should stand simple pure and majes tic having fact for its basis induction its pillar and truth alone for its capital His solid and fluid extracts embody the full strength of the ingredients' of which thej are named They are left to the in speetkm of all A ready and conclusive test of their properties will be a comparison with those set fort li in tlie United States Dispensatory Tlie remedies are prepared by II He'mbild druggist of sixteen experience and ive believe them to be reliable in fact have never known au article lacking merit to meet with a permanent success and Air Hehn certainly prima'facia evidence His drug umi chemical warehouse in the city of New York is not excelled if equaled by any in this coun try and we would advise our when visiting that city to give him a call mid judge for themselves all directions to the bus been enornKius On Thursday Conductor Montreal train which left this city at 630 overtook the afternoon express train which left over four hours ixilbre a short distance above Brattleboro 1 The engine had blown out a boiler flue In a vim attempt to draw tram of twenty lpur heavily 1 loaded cars itTld they were wait ng for another engine from Bellows alls Yesterday morning the train from the north flue in this city at 630 a did not arrhe till 11 o'clock Tlie program for the benefit concert to be Stiveu hy the Mendelssohn Union of this city on Tuesday evening of next week promises a con cert of rare attraction and excellence Although the Union have been compelled to make some what hurried preparation their concert will be fully up to the expectation of their friends and admirers The program both in point of variety and merit is better than any they have ever be fore offered The quintette club fairly out do all their previous lists of selections and the lo cal talent lias a fine chance for display Letters addressed as follows are held for post age at the post oflirc in this city: George Clark Washington Mrs Griffith New Braintree itter Hobart No 25 Kirk Lowell Messrs Chamberlin Co New York Messrs Collins Atwater Whiiin New York Messrs Wheeler Nichols Bay and Prospect streets Jersey City Brown Wash ington 1) Leonard Hart Derby Court Im properly directed Airs adisch Gnttenbnrg George Lcoimrd Jr Middlebury Charles De orrest care Durkee Mrs Harriet Stebbins Alex Jesburgh Merc Hotel In consequence of the ill health of Mr oster who had eMabli hed so excellent a classical school for boys on State street liis friends have transferred their patronage to Air Gordon and liis equally excellent school for girls and Mr will open on tin: 17tii in new and improved quarters in block a first class private school for the youth of both sexes Its success and permanence arc well assured in adtanee Air Gordon himself one of the most accomplished and enthusiastic teachers we ever had in Spring field will be reinforced by several able assist in's and the course of instruction will be ample va ried ami thorough Parents whom the public schools do not satsly may feel confidence in Mr Gordon 'and bis arrangements SUICIDE William Hosmer an armorer shot himself through the head yesterday forenoon at bis house on ciidk toti avenue or some time past his wile has refused to live with him and yes terday after an interview with her in wfli ch she stated positively that she would not come back lie returned home and is supposed to have killed himself at once liis two children on returning from school at noon found the house closed and on effecting an entrance discovered their father dead on the sola He used for tlie deed a smooth bore shot gun loaded with several' bails He had probably me' United the act lor some time as only the day before he was down town inquir ing for a itli Coroner Ingraham and tlie following jury were summoned yesterday af ternoon A IL Allison Na thaniel Cate () rlando Chnnman Crook John Rumrill The verdict was in accordance with the above facts The deceased was 80 years of age KEW DECORATIONS IN MASONIC HALL Alusonic hall in the block at the corner ofAInrket aril Srntestreets where the Masonic Bodies of this city have held their meetings for so many years has been undergoing a series of thorough repairs' and improvements lor the lust few weeks and is how probably rnsurpassed by any other lodge room in the state The hall wai formerly the best one in tlie stite omside of Boston ami un expenditure of about $2060 upon it has made it exceedingly elegant All the ante rooms have been newly grained carpeted and upholstered A new wash ronm lias been fuit in fitted up in neatest manner Thu room which was for merly ti armory is now to be used as a comm tee room and tlie armory has buin transferred io an apartment opening out of this nn with much taste But the main ball has under gone the renovation The fresco ing on ceiling and wads of tlie different Masonic emblems done by Wiese of diis city are nrig nificcnt The upbo'sering is of the finest The Masons think there is now but one thing lacking and that a gr aud dedication with a social Ma Those in want of good hay will lie interested in Collins advertisem*nt tins morning The business committee on the regatta are re quested to meet in full numbers this at Haynes Hotel Tony combination troupe give an en tertainment in Alusic Hall Tuesday evening September IS The garden of Hawkes on Spring street ha produced a prodigy in the tomato line the vegetable weighing 1 ound and 7 ounces The Springfield scientific association hold their first field meeting on Alt Nonotuck to day They will leave this city on the 745 a ni train for the north The Germans will give their last grand picnicof the season at Daring's grove on Monday next to continue through the day band will furnish the music llR Alorrill of Candia II a graduate in the la class of tbe Wesleyan university at Alid dletown has been engaged as principal of the Wolcottville high school? The Pioneer base ball club of this citv will leave on the 12 train for lorence to try and win the championship of western Alassachu setts from the Eagle club The Alert and Lookout clubs will play a match game of base ball ar 2 this afternoon on the grounds of the former ou East Worthington street near the corner of Spring William Cleveland has sold his house and lot No 21 Oak street to Harrison and purchased the farm owned hy Hiram Hendrick of South Wilbraham ibrSlOOO A project which sect of our capitalists have recently had in contemplation is the erection of a mammoth new hotel large cnou to accommo date a thousand people at Jerry Murphy an Irish boy had all the fingers of his left hand cut oil by a passing train wuile lying asieep by the railroad track at the foot of Bliss street yesterday morning The wheel barely escaped his head William Johnson a colored boy stole a carpet bag at the depot on Wednesday night and was awaiting his trial in the lock up but escaped during the session of the police court on and has not been caught yet The school for tiuants on AVest State street now has fifteen scholars and the school officials are constantly gathering them in There are large numbers of children chiefly Irish who pick up cir living in the streets and this school is intended to put them on the right track In the police court riday Alary Sullivan Daniel and Julia and Mary Bartholomew were lined for drunkenness and the first named was committed Thomas Burk Patrick Delany and rank Gafney were examined lor an assault on Mieliae1 Gleason and the case was continued to this morning Kimmelstiel Kutscher is the name of a new fancy goods firm who are to occupy one of the stores in new block opposite ill Mr Kimmel ticl has been tlie busmess ast State street for some endeavor to deserve EBOB DENT a A colla ie on the River road opposite try residence JC21 3 AT WATER TV" Ah Active partner a neat proiltable and established bm iucss in Springtiehl A capital of one or two thousand dollars desirable To tlie riglit man a good chalice will be given Address Bok 6'28 Springfield Mass s36d WANTED our good Marble Cutters 'tlie highest wages paid and a steady Job given by applying to WHITE TEMPLE au29 2wd Shelburne alls MB SCHOOL Tlieuli Turn ot Air oster's school tbr boys will begin on Mon day September 17th 1 jy2tit*l7 TTILLIN ER (1 WANTED The subscrih i LvA wants an experienced Trimmer to whom tlie be' wages will be given Apply by iter or in person ta Mrs Westueld Mass s55d HAMPSHIRE COUNTY The Northampton and lorence horse railroad company commenced running their ears on ri day afternoon The Northampton delegates to the state con vention at Boston on Thursday are: Smith William Hill Hussey William Pomeroy Levi Smith Aloscs Breck Enos Parsons and II Gere The building at Northampton known as Cen tral Hall block and occupied by Alerrill's liquor saloon and Lucius billiard room was burned by an incendiary fire on riday morning The building was'owned by Airs Alat tliew who loses $4000 insured for S2000 i Hou insurance company at New Haven Mr Merrill's loss in stock au fixtures is $6500 insured for $2500 in the New England company at Hartford Air Lewis lost three billiard tables valued at $1300 on which there was no insur ance A recent search of the premises by the state constables failed to discover any consider able quantity of liquor and some enthusiastic temperance man probably burned the building to destroy the liquor it was supposed to contain The presumption proved quite correct a Aler rdl now admits a loss of $1200 iu liquors Kellogg of Northampton has patented an improvement in churns and Alvin Squire of Pelham' one in the manufacture of scythe stones RANKLIN COUNTY The Greenfield delegates to the state conven tion at Boston on Thursday of xt week are Alfred ield David 'Newton Anson Warner William Elliot and Col Ross who are authorized to provide their own substitutes Thomas II White of Ofangi! has patented an improved knife sharpener BERKSHIRE COUNTY The Catholic priest at Lee publicly reprimanded one of his flock in church last Sunday for be ing slack in paying his pew rent The delin quent arose and out in in reply whereupon the reverend father laid aside his temper and dignity came down from the pulpit and shook the offending member by the collar till he subsided into a respectful silence Get re Curtis Anna Dickinson Carl 0 owler and George li Loring are engaged to lecture before the library association at North Alains during the coming winter A Young Christian association has been started at North Adams and a fund of $1500 is being raised with wliicu to establish and endow a library and reading room Numerous complaints have recently been made to tlie selectmen Pittsfield against sheep killing dogs Aoottt thirty dogs have been licensed in the town the present year and about 200 still re main unlicensed Tlie Sabbath school connected with the Metho dist society in Pittsfield enjoyed a picnic at woods on Wednesday in company witli a branch school of tlie same society from New Lenox Noaddresses were made the design being to let the little ones enjoy themselves without restraint which they did not only to their own but their satisfaction WORCESTER COUNTY Out of applicants for admission to the Worcester high school ou Alonday only five were able to secure admission by answering the requisite 65 per cent of the questions asked Harding Woods of Barre has been elected a director of the irst National bank in that town iu place of Harding Woods deceased The North agricultural society will hold its exhibit on and cattle show at itchburg September 25 The Quinebaug horticn oral society will hold its annual fair 'at Globe Village on Thursday and riday of next week The itchburg and adjoining towns will hold a picnic at Walden pond in Concord on Tuesday (Alfred Snow a 16 year old boy lias been com mitted to jail at Worcester to await trial for breaking and entering in one night recently four stores at Eitft Douglas Chudes Hunt an accomplice is at large on $1500 bail EASTERN JIASSACHUSETTS The principals of the Chauncey Hail school at Boston have published a roll of 250 of their former pupils who have been in the United States service during the war The state eight hour league resolved at a meet ing held at Boston ou Wednesday that tho sub ordinate leagues ought to call public meetings and agitate the eight hour question and mix it with politics during tlie campaign and also that tlie candidates of both parties ought to be made to iitblicly declare themselves on the question The annual gathering of the Salisbury resi dents and their kindred will be Held on Salisbury beach on Wednesday the 19tb Alichael Mahoney got into a quarrel with a lover of his sister named Dennis Lynch at Haverhill a few nights since and stabbed him iu the neck and breast inflicting serious wounds The monument dedicated at Medford on Thursday is 19 feet high and of Concord granite with marble tablets on which are the names of 44 of its soldiers who died or were killed in battle during the war Its cost was $1000 i Ar a pigeon shoot at the Riverside park at Brighton on Thursday 11 Bloodgood of Providence won the first prize of $100 from twenty nve compctuors Lieut John II Church of Taunton has been appo nted adjutant of tlie 3d militia regiment The regular meeting of the New England gen ealogical society was held at Poston on Wednes day at which memoirs were read of Chief Justice Ezekiel AVliitman of' East Bridgewater and of Judge Charles A Dewey of Northampton both of whom were honorary members The developments in tlie Howland will case which is now on trial at New Bedford are sur passingly rich in seandai "Tlie property in volved is over a million and a half dollars and be testimony shows that a judge was offered a handsome bonus to break the will acob Katzman wts run over and fatally in jured at Boston on Thursday bv the engine of the afternoon express train to this city 'Tlie former pupils of will hold a reunion at Rockport on Wednesday of next week whbn speeches will be made by Al uses Kimball and Ndiemiali Boynton of Bos ton and Smith of Gloucester The receipts of mackerel at Gloucester and other ports along the coast continue very small and prices are advanc ng much beyoud the rates of previous seasons No increased $6 per rarrel during the lust week and met with ready sale notwithstanding the high price Tlie 10th militia regiment will hereafter be known as the 1st by order of Gov Bullock George II Johnston i as assumed command of the regiment and aqioiutel Lieut IL Wil son of Boston adjutant The sudlcu death of Airs Alary Srrith at East Boston on Tuesday is supposed to have been a ciseof cholera James AlcGratli was drowned while attempting to escape from the Deer Island bouse of reluge on Monday by swimming Louis A McDonald of Gloucester fell overboard from the schooner Nicker bn avas drowned nt tlu Magdilen Iflands on the 30th lilt Smith Cl years old was killed nt Deer Island on Thursday by the caving in of a trench in whien he was digging Jefferson Borden oh all Riveris oner of the ALissaclinsetls men who have given $10CGO to Biown university nt Providence 1 Whales continue to increase (ii jiumber along easiern coast of the 'state and some enter prising individual hits offered 10(10 reward for the capture of the one recently seen offNahint MAINE The Androscoggin railroad company have chosen the following bolird of directors: Oliver Moses David Patten ScthAL'y AVashingtou Gilbert John 11 Kimball A Lockwood' Phil ip Al Stubbs barn at Waterville wad struck by lightning and burned with thirty tons of bay ou Ttn rsday week No insurance The valuation of Portland (taken before the fire) is $29004115 an increase of nearly a mil rpiiE GREAT AIR TO OPEN AT MECHANICS' HALL WORCESTER MONDAY SEPT 17 1866 "AND CONTINUE TWO WEEKS AV A Mean of expt ri nee in setting up and running saw iniJB 4t would like a situa tion to run a circular sawmill or ottier word working machinery Address immediately EL1 Sound so 3d lie stepped towards her as if to accompany her and finally pushed her out of the door He fol 1 lowed her out and it is said struck her two or three whereupon she instantly fired The shot evidently took effect for Trussel imme diately pressed his hand to his side and retreated to the center of the Mollie pursued him and fired a second shot placing the muzzle of the pistol close to liis back He cried out am and staggered to the side entrance leading from the saloon to the main entrance of livery stable The woman stdl fol lowed Lim and fired again hitting him some where on the side He staggered half way across the stable entrance and fell dead on the spot Either of the shots striking him would have alone produced death1 The whole affair was so sudden' and fearful that of all the bystanders no one baa the quickness of thought or limb sufficient to stop woman from committing the bloody work Alollie pushed out and with si frantic scream threw herself upon the prostrate form ernug out my George! My George! Ile is dead While she was indulging in bitter lamentations of a maudlin character officers came to the spot and took her to the Central po lice station At the station house the ravings of the murileres's were piteous 'to listen to' It was impossible to any of the motives which induced her to perpetrate the crime This was partly perhaps the result of her intoxicated condition and the horror awakened in her mind by the knowledge of her guilt my God she exclaimed is dead he is dead! I know it for I saw him laid out Aly dear George he isload! Oli hnw I wish 1 was rknul with him know I cannot live now and I want to but I cannot go to heaven I know I have been wiki and now I will never have any more in this way she continued her wild lamentations refusing to listen to anything that was said tb her Suddenly speaking of her child she broke out with the passionate exclamation have a son a tittle boy at school Oh my God do not let him know' what his mother was He will never never on earth know that Tell Captain she said turning to Captain Doug lag who sat beside her sell my property at auction after I am dead and give the money to niy Among other things she gave vent to expressions of regret that the bystanders did not interfere was she said they ought to have known it "They should have knocked me down Oh my George if I could only have died with With such express ions sjie continued to rave and sob during the whole night 11 The affair has created the most profound ex citement all over the city as Trussell wa almost universally known and apart from liis gambling propensities was looked upon as an honorable man The murderess is one of the most beautiful women in the city1 Tall well formed black hair and eyes and especially known as the best dressed woman in Chicago It was undoubtedly jealousy on her part that led to the terrible deed The day after' th tragedy horse bore his part successfully in a great trotting at Chicago beating in three single mile heats winning a purse of 84000 JHis time was 230J 224i and 228 WANTED TO A House rf 8 or 10 rooms pleasantly situated within ten minutes walk of the City Hall for which a liberal price will be raid Possession to be given by the 1st oi October Address Box No 279 4 lined AGENTS WANTED in every county and every state to sei1 the best pay ng article to agents in the country A Patent Photograph Aibuinnew novel and ornaubiital Address CHAb KUBINSON Room 7 Opera Hoose Springti4dt Mass s6M We are in want of agents of either sex hi erv sfede couutv town city village and i amlct in the mUit Stales and Provinces to Sell by subecrinHoii the Library" in four volunn 8 ihe he ut books ever published fur agents Good inducements oftered Lx elusive territory given' Address'd llbltACE WEN rWOCTH Publisher nu27 Wdabv 119 Washington st Boston Mass A by an experienced drv goods salesman who has an extensive acquaint ance in this city and vicuity Address SALESMAN Box 454 au28 SITUATION By a young man where he cau make himself generally useful Hus a thorough knowledge of book keeping Address for one eek Box 633 Springfleld PRAYEH AT VALLEY No work of art has ever g'vcn lvat dnrk 21! nahomd existence witli sueb tiuihfnl and loucl acterhtics it is a bold anj sublime with naUUA Ai UL l'r live all tlie silent beauties pu sible to podivy the beholder ftl first sight Winch tn fe is tn adBil and listen ifw may while Washington kneels in snow imdmwalli the aged oak and prjs lor the saiva lion of thoauuy and bls cuuniry Also THE BET1 EK LAND Urltlcsonil good judgi of art pronounce 11 equal if not nipcrlor to any sacred engiav ng in the couu ij Deeds of territory given guaranteeing exclusive riguu4 Of ile Address or apply to innnedi'itclv No Optra 1 1 one Block pimguviu VALUABE REAL ESTATE AT AUCVbtN Tlie property No 116 Mroe will bpsold at auction oh lac prviuisvs September Mb at 1 1 a i his is one of the most de iiahle lounthmB in that part nf the citv within three minutes wilk ot the United States amory and workshops on tlie Hill and frontin' eh rd square 'I his is au oppoituni rarely offer and any person de iiun to insku permanent und profitable iuv sunent should not lai to give this upporainily early considera tion i he lot is 55 by 261 feet with a convenient pnd com dwelling in good repair The pre ises can be sevii at any Umo nntll the sale a large portion of the purchase mono? can remain on mortgage If desitod CltQOKS rEAU Auct'r 83 BINDERS WANTED A few good orwarders and inishers car have steady work and good pav Address CASE LOCKWOOD Ch 1 s3 6dalw i Huitlvrd Ct jy 18 WaStf 4GENTS WANTED OB Now promises to be one of rare merit and great extent spacious safe and pleasant the arrange ments are ist liberal and although the space is being last taken up all iuteresteA Jn American inventions manufactures and art are still invited 0 contribute and give notice at once of their intentions Articles received and arranged Hom Wednesday Sept 5th to Saturday Sept 15th Directed by the (Worcester County Mechanics Asso tV' ADDISON PRENTISS Supt MISS CALHOUK wib commence her SCHOOL on Monday Sept loth at tlie comer ot State and Dwight sts s6 3d BRIZES AND CHAMPION OERED TO THE AMOUNT ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ELEVEN RACING In behalf of the citizens of Springfield the Springfield Regatta As ocjation repectfully oier the following prizes 1st six oared boats opes to all 3 MILBSft irst Prize Silo Second Prize $109 2D OUR OATED BOATS OPEN TO ALL 3 MILES irst Prize S150 Second Third Prize $5U 3D SINGLE WHERRIES OREN TO ALL 2 MILES irst Prize Second Prize 4TII SPRINGIELD BOATS 3 MILES With 11 seconds per oar handicap The Splendid Champion Colors of the City The Grand Stand at the foot of Elm street will be free to Indus and gentlemen accompanying them Western Boston and Worcester and Hartford and New Haven railroads with some otlicr railroads vyill bring boats free and crews at two thirds and tlie Brrtford and New York line of Steamers at one halt' fare Boats of tlie 1st class can enter the 2d class with four oars BuaU will be classified only by the number of oars At least one more boat than the number oi prizes must enter and start in each race or tlie number oi prizes will be correspondingly reduced All entries to be made with tlie secretary ou or belore September 15th said entries must give the name of Club Crew and Boat also tiie class or classes in which entered or further particulars address RANK YOCNG si 5 8 12 IJa'O Secretary JG ENTS WANTED fou RANK 4EW WORK THE Agents will find this a bhokof re il merit and inWn ubiect iutens lv iniercsuug and No work ever attracted und engaged tlie pu this Everybody vauts it mid thousands 11 puiiuase li as soon h's an opportunity is afionled tin ni Intelligent active nrali feniales wi 1 find the al tins ik a ulMtsant and lucrative empivyiuent book lias no conqn it comes tieb people 'Hie teirit iry is clean Bild clear Agents unoer stand the advantages in this full particulars send tor cncniiir Address SCRANTON CO au29 26da4wy 1'46 Asylum st HnrtforiU Ct GENTS Terma ot the Springfield Republican from January 106 Daily Single copies three cents double sheets five cents per week 20 cents per month 80 cents per year $9 payable always in ad vance Ten copies to one address by mail for one year $85 Semi Weekly (On double sheet Wednesdays and Saturdays Single copies five cents per month 3a cens per year $4 when paid for a full year in advance Ten copies by mail to one address one year $35: twenty conies ditto $60 Weekly (A double sheet on Sat urdays) Single copies five cents one year aO five copies one year to cue address ten copies $20 twpn tv one copiP5 £40 and in like proportion for larger unuibers or 40 copies and a Semi Weekly Re publican for S80 and 100 copies and the Daily Re ublican for one year for i SAMUEL BOWLES COMANY Publishers WANTED A Partner with 85J0i) (to take the place of a partner retiring from business nnii tiiis part of the country i account of di heilili) ill well establii 'd and paying imehanical business located in Springfield' We will send our ad dress to those who address Box luad Springfield Mass To buy a iice nsid tic with from 40 to fit) acres good land house of modern archiroctuve with suitable iiibuiiiUns worth tix or eight iloustnd do'lars within one luilf hour drive of a station on the New oik air Boston line uf raifruad via Springfield andNtw London Aguod bte and dtsirabk lueation would gn atiy enhance i fie value ss CuL LINS MCKEE Three Rivers MasrfJt 1 aulO ItM TO OR EVERY SER jP V' CE Pleasant and bcnoiable de Suablefor clergymen teachers stunirs and and rm risk Lndb and gehtlenn wai ud in every suite and comity Evurybudv address ZdAASVK LANG 25)7 Bowery 1 r'i s64d APOTHECARY A nnin XjL aize trom 20 tu uU years well acquanted with the re tail drug business and can come well recunimtiided as to business habits character Address KENT s4 6d Chicopee 2dass AT MIDDLETOWN CT Pay every two Weeks Wages $2 per day S7 24 BEARD Hpringficld Saturday September A situation by a lad iwed six teen years in a store He is honest faiihiul md pable Addrets Box97 Alden A Brewster sut post offiee' s6 i 'J XV ANTED IMMEDIATELY akrVod IT Vest Makers Also an experienced band to run a sewing machine MILLER sfi 3d Exchange Block Holyoke VERMONT Dr Henry Boynton left Woodstock on Monday for Texas tukinj with him eighty full blood merino sheep from the flock of Nathan Cushimr Elliot barns at Swanton were burned by aiijinceqcliary fire on Saturday Right (Loss $2500 insured for $400 i Rufus Hurlburt was thrown from a wagon at Waterford on Saturday and fatally injured Waldo Bintrhaui the defeated democratic can didate for Congress in the third Vermont dis trict has been elected to the Legislature from Hyde Park i i 1 RHODE ISLAND The first fair 'of the WOonsocket agricultural society will be held September 18 20 The fire 'destroyed the Union worsted mills at Smithfield formerly known as Schroe print works on Thursday morning was caused by the accidental ignition of vapor of naphtha which had escaped from one of the Meriden gas generators in which naphtha was used George Ackerson the night watchman was burned so that he died of liis injuries Eight Providence insurance compa nies lose $10000 in sums of $5000 each and a policy for $5000 was also held by the iilassasoit company of this city The establishment had been lately fitted with improved machinery and bad a large stock of goods on hand awaiting shipment for the fall trade Marshall Woods has been elected treasurer of Brown University at Providence in place of Robert IL Ives resigned John Hartrvell ex Gov Sprague and Earl Mason of Taunton have been elected to vacancies in the board of and Charles Bradley takes the place of the late Rev Dr Crocker on the board of fellows I CONNECTICUT A public demonstration with music and speeches by the rcpubl cans of the town greeted Wallis relinquishment of the West Meri den post office on Saturday lie sacrificed to liis principles The dead body of 0 Oss im was lately found in the rivet near Colebrook in circ*mstances which make it likely that he was murdered He was a foreigner and had lived for several years alone subsisting upon berries and what he could steal from neighbors some of whom have probably at last executed the threats they had frequently ma against his life Sherman Hartwell president of the Bridge pore National bank celebrated his golden wed ding on Wednesday with descendants to the fourth generation in attendance John Sharkey a United States soldier at ort Trumbull at New London lias been (ilaecd under $3000 bonds for an assault with a knife on lames Kilroy one of his comrades Tiie first brigade of state troops including the: 1st regiment Col John Bunnell of Union ville "and the 3d regiment Lieut Co! James McCord of Norwich will go into camp at Hartford north meadows on Monday under command of Gen Charles IL Prentice of I'he Litchfield county cattle show will bo held at Litchfield September 19 and 20 Rev Curtiss Woodruff of Norwalk will deliver the address The funeral services of ex mayor lower of Hartford were heldatfhe Allyn House in that city bn Thursday Rew Dr Clark of Christ church officiated and ex iyors Allyn and Still man ex Gov Tuiicey Henry A Perkins Elisha Colt Tiffany Austin Dtiiihain and Zepha niah Preston were the fll bearers Dean is going to rebuild his carriage Jac tdry which was lately burned at North Wood stock Postmaster George Rogers of Meri den Ct ys tlie story that lie has received in structions not todistribute the Meriden Recorder Of any other anti Johnson papers is a att and malicious slames Buckley of New Haven dias been sentenced to twelve years in the state prison for forgery ifty young horse chestnut trees on the grounds of II Hollister at Litchfield were cut down by some evil disposed rascal on Tues day ght An Irishman named Michael Dohe i ny whose cow was found on Mr premises tlie day before and impounded has been arrested on suspicion and is now waiting trial The penalty is $100 fine for each tree and one imprisonment The corporators oi the lately chartered 8hc paug valley railroad organized on Wednesday with McNeill of Litchfield as chairman mid Henry Church secretary TO PAPER Wanted Lx a man to finish also 2 or 3 girls Lo work in the fln isbing room LATHAM Agent Eagle Mil's Co si 8d sufticld Ct VVAN A good haiid to make coats TT vests trail pants ou custom woi Constant work and good wages given to a good linnd i JAMES MORGAN an3C South Adams lines THE 4tn Term ot MISS 1 DRAWING CLASS will eonmtcnce on Saturday Sept tjtli at lO a nt toe usual place Terms per cnirse Applications for admssiuu to the class may be imide at No 77 East Union st s7 2d 0 RAND REGATTA tr i ON THE RIVER AT SPRINGIELD i ON i THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 20 1866 'JI' UXDEK TUB DlKEdrlON THE SPRINGIELD REGATTA ASSOCIATION Wy SnuK'tLE Henry Hyde Pres Dakiel JMausu Treas 'ttASK Young Sec HOXOBAKY COMMITTEE 1 Henrv Gray Tim llenry Russell IV Brvan Tapley 8 Lee Horace Smith Wesson Tilly Wm Gatin Chapin Howes Norris EXECUTIVE COMMITTED Shurtleff Gideon Wells Geo Dwight Jr A Bemis Lewis A Tilit Russell 15 Bowles It Colton Young Good business and professional men who wish to earn from 15U0 to $2G0U per year to sell my publications Also a few experienced canvassers to take charge ot territory awl engage others? Address or apply to 1 HOLLAND ray5 it Mrmguel yy anted 1 A few energetic men to solicit for the Travelers Eife and Accident Insurance Co of Hartford Ct Liberal commissions paid PIERCE A TAYLOR General Agents fur Western 3Iass Room 16 Goodr ch biecK Let' IOR A liewTuncmtiitiif ninft rooms on court' sG 31 STEBBINS 36 Main st H1TISS SCHOOL will re upii' IaA on yionduy September 10 1 of ten weeks ur further infJnnatimi uiouire after September 1 of A1I8S SARAH WILLARD auglS Imd Harrison a value fblVIL AND MINING ENGINE BRING VJ at tlie Rensselaer Institute Troy NY 'I lie next Amuiai Session begins Sept 12th or Hi new Annual Register containing imorinntion apply to PltO CHARLES BROWNE Director au63W7wal4s Troy 17AM ILY SCHOOL JL' BVRxDALE Aiass 10 miles from Boston on W6r cusrer Railroad Tin twi hdi year of tins school will commerce tho 13h of studies preparatory tu college or business pursued Situation unsurpassed tor health and all ihe purpose! of juveiile education '1 he aim is to furnish tor the pupil a good Home as well as impart a cornl edu cation or lurther mtormatiun nd mr circular or visit tlie principal Kuv UODLRIDOE iv31 eodbw rriHE fePRINGrrELD Sivil JL iu tihito Court street 'ihe tali term will begin 1h unday xt Sept 3 lie princ pal and lour lady assistants devote their on tire attention to tiie inter sis of thp tchoul Courses of instruction arc maintained in tlie Common uid Higher Eugli studies in the Ancient and Modern Languages iu Drawing ainting und Music iir cnmansbip (Spcn ceresin sj stem) aim Book keadug Recent repairs have rendered the Institute in every way convenient aud pleasant fur a school and for a board ing residence chariies tuition tlie saine as last year payable at ho middle of the quarter si CHAS BURNETT A Principal pRIVATE SCHOOL OR BOYS AND GIRLS By arrangements between the friends ot Mr oster's classical school for boys and Mr school the two ae united ami Mr Gounox will assume charge of the same The fall term will open Jlonday Sept 17 in the new and commodious rooms Nos 2t 27 and 28 Block Main street Spnugtield The purpose is to establish a first class private school giving to boys a thorough fitting for college if desired and toallpnpils a complete and practical training in all tlie elements of knowledge and narticul irly iifthe natu ral sciences Two assistant teachers will be constantly nplo' cd and special instruction In rench and German' in Drawing and Writing will be given by competent ex tra teachers Mr Gordon refers to the parents of bls pupils including among others Dr Holland Mayor Briggs Mr Atwater Mr George Walker Air John King and Air Bowles Terms a year including all extras or further particulars William Gbunox Springfl cl post office slWSaJJSw1' jJEDICAL YALE COLLEGE VV A Temnunt of eight rooms within a mile aud a half of Cit Address Republican office VVANTEDA good CoTUriAkUTijfL do second work Apply to 1 LU a3 AtHS WESSON High st A goon Tailoress to wo on TT custom work steady work given to a good i JAMES MORGAN s7 Oil i bouth Adams Mass VV Two jimnieyinen tin and sk Jt Iron workers tor which bigro st wages will hr i WOOD A KAIHa? st Ed Brattii boro Vt A Table Girl No need a ph' unless competent aP Sllg riKSOKElrullcHU KINS Stuck Broker Detroit Mich 6 4 iju A girl to do generalTy AJ ust cume well recommended Appy 1 ilaiust A LIMITED NU31DER OKOOMSwiU be nl 1 permanency with board Aho tablu board at a us price ut the Hampden House on Court square JOOMS TO Ono Room first floor over our store front well lighted one of the bcstlocatod rooms in tho city One do on second floor nver store 5 One do Hall un fourth story AU cheap rmt auJOllwd 1 TINKilAM CO4 i.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.