Sailor Moon: Gundalian Invaders (Remix) - Chapter 4 - Androzani84 (2024)

Chapter Text

Dan and Fabia followed the girls to the temple on Cherry Tree Hill owned and maintained by Raye’s grandfather. Dan’s presence did not go unnoticed by the assistant caretaker Chad. “Whoah, that guy’s hot.”, Chad growled under his breath. “He’d better keep away from Raye if he knows what’s good for him.”

“Don’t mind Chad.”, Raye advised Dan. “He gets like this every time I bring someone cute home with me. Regardless of genders.”

“Wait a minute.”, Mina realised. “You think Amara’s cute?”

Raye could only blush with embarrassment at this. “I-it’s not like that.”

In the midst of this, Dan and Fabia could only look on with confusion. “Any idea what they’re talking about?”, the latter whispered. “They are your species more than mine.”

“Believe me, I’m as in the dark as you are.”, Dan responded. “Women are a whole different species at times.”

The group soon made their way inside Rei’s room, where a small table was placed in the centre. “Wow, so this is what the inside of a traditional temple looks like.”, Dan commented. “A lot less roomy than I thought one would be.”

“Well this is just my bedroom.”, Raye pointed out. “The rest of the building is a lot bigger than this.”

“Well it’s not like you’ve ever given any of us the guided tour.”, Serena pointed out. “Half the time, I think you’re exaggerating how popular this place is.”

"Sounds like someone I know back home. You even sound like someone else I know.", Dan replied. “Raye, not so much”

Fabia interrupted their conversation. "If you guys don't mind, we have business to discuss."

"Yes, very urgent business, if what Fabia says is true.", Mercury added.

Drago and Aranaut then burst out of their ball forms to speak. “First things first, we’ll have to trade information on our enemies.”, Drago spoke up. “Then we can figure out what drew ours to this world.”

The 5 girls were shocked by this, as were the two cats that had sat watching from the windowsills. “What are these creatures?”, the black cat Luna asked. “I’ve never seen one like this.”

“I could say the same about you two.”, Aranaut said in response. “From my experience and knowledge, limited as they may be, cats on Earth don’t talk human language.”

“Well the thing is, we aren’t really from Earth.”, Drago explained. “I come from a world known as New Vestroia, while Aranaut here comes from the planet Neathia.”

“Neathia?”, Luna said, intrigued. “I think I’ve heard of that.”

Fabia chose that moment to interject. “Anyway, I think we’re all forgetting our manners. I’m Neathia’s Princess Fabia Sheen. My friend here is Dan Kuso, from a parallel Earth to yours.”

“And we are their Bakugan partners, Pyrus Drago and Haos Aranaut.”, Aranaut continued. “Now then, how about you introduce yourselves.”

Serena then spoke up. “My name’s Serena. I’m a normal 14 year-old middle-schooler, at least right now. But I’m also the superhero fighting for love and justice.” She then struck a pose. “I’m Sailor Moon!”

Amy was next. “I’m Amy, one of the top ranked students in the whole of Japan. I’m also Sailor Mercury.”

“You can call me Raye.”, the black haired girl of the group went next. “Aka, Sailor Mars.”

Next to go was the brunette. “My name’s Lita. But on the clock, I’m Sailor Jupiter.”

And that just left the last member of the girl posse. “I’m Sailor Venus. But my friends just call me Mina. And you’ve met our kitty friends, Luna and Artemis. Now then, let’s get down to business.”

“Right.”, Dan nodded. “Are any villains that the Gundalians could get help from.”

"There is one group.", Lita said in response. "They call themselves the Bureau of Bad Behaviour. They go after people's pure hearts, in the hope of finding three talismans that will bring forth something powerful."

Fabia chimed in with a question of their own. "How have they managed to get away with this for any amount of time without the perpetrator being arrested?"

Serena answered this. "They manufacture these creatures called "Daimons", which create bodies out of an object of significance to their targets. All of us have been attacked at one point."

"Not me.", Mina said with a hint of disappointment. She then asked their guests a question. "Who are these "Gundalians" that you mentioned? Are they the guys that attacked us earlier?"

"Uh-huh.", Dan nodded. "They're a group of savage and militaristic aliens from a different dimension to yours or mine. They attacked Fabia's home planet and intend to rule my version of Earth after they achieve their goals."

This time, Raye asked a question. "If you two come from different planets, how did you two meet up?"

Fabia answered. "I sent out a distress signal to look for powerful Bakugan battlers in other dimensions. Dan's friend received it and we received transmissions indicating that he had a powerful Bakugan that could help defeat the Gundalians."

Dan took over. "But by the time she got here, Ren, an agent from Gundalia, had already made contact with us and convinced us that his people were the invaded party. Eventually, Fabia managed to convince us of the truth, and we travelled to Neathia to defeat the Gundalian Emperor and prevent him from enslaving the Bakugan to his will."

"Forgive me for asking, but could this distress signal possibly have been written in code?", Amy asked.

"Yes, the DNA code of a few Neathian Bakugan. Why?"

"Because," the bluenette gulped "I received it. And that means that the enemy probably received it as well."

And sure enough, At the mansion, Vladimir was in the laboratory, overseeing the Professor’s work. They had recovered the Phantom Data from the computers and were now converting it into solid matter. Dr. Tomoe's assistants, the Witches 5 division, were observing, with some infuriation.

"He's such a show off.", Eugeal said, under her breath.

"He thinks he's so much better than us.", Mimette agreed.

"He can hear you, you know.", Vladimir said out loud, having heard their complaints from across the room. He then turned to the subordinate. "So, Professor, what's the situation with the DNA serum?"

The professor looked up from his work to reply. "Currently, the serum is unrefined and would result in feral outbursts from subjects. However, with a few more minutes, I could refine the formula…"

But before he could continue, some of the soldiers that had been sent out to find and eliminate the Sailor Senshi returned. "General!", the commander of the group wheezed out.

Vladimir scowled. "What happened? Did you find and eliminate the targets?", he inquired.

"Yes, General. We found them, but we were unable to eliminate them.", the soldier answered. "They were no match for our armour, Bakugan and tactics, but then Dan Kuso and Princess Fabia showed up and fought us off."

At this, the General began to growl. Dr. Tomoe was confused. "Who are ‘Dan Kuso and Princess Fabia’?"

"They're two of the enemies I told you about.", General Vladimir replied. Then he smiled. "I think I can use this to our advantage, Dr. Tomoe. I can destroy both my enemies and your enemies at the same time."

"That's good news, General.", Dr. Tomoe said in reply. "But what about a test of this powerful DNA you offered us?"

It was the Gundalian scientist who spoke in reply. "As you wish, Doctor." And with a ghoulish grin on his face, he injected the serum into the soldier that had reported the failure. The soldier convulsed, his armour bursting off and his body swelling up into various different head shapes. The six shapes blasted out six different streams of fire, water, wind, mud, light and darkness, which destroyed most of the laboratory. Then the Professor entered a code into his BakuMeter, causing the mutated soldier to glow blue and vanish completely.

"What happened, Professor? Where is the commander?", Vladimir demanded.

"I simply input a deletion program into the Phantom Data. Since his DNA had merged with it, he was also deleted. A tragedy, I know, but look at the destruction he caused to this laboratory." The Professor indicated the burnt out room. "Now imagine what an army of them could do."

Suddenly, the 5 women were enthusiastic. "How long do you need to refine the formula?", Dr. Tomoe asked.

“Only a few minutes.”, the Professor answered. “But while my machine Carrie’s that job out for me, I think I’ll go out and do some hunting. After all, there’s at least two more Sailor Scouts to eliminate. And I think a scientist’s mind should be sent to ensure results.”

Back at the temple, Dan, Fabia and Serena were shocked at what they had just heard from Amy. She took out her computer to show them the strange symbols she had received. “So that’s how you just so happened to have one of those Baku-things earlier.”, Serena said with some bitterness.

“Well if you weren’t over at Darien’s, you would’ve been told about it earlier.”, Lita pointed out.

Dan looked at the numbers on the screen intensely. "Yep, this is definitely the same Phantom Data that Marucho and Spectra received. But how did it end up here?"

"I think I can answer that.", Fabia spoke up. "When I sent out the message, I didn't direct it at any specific universe so it could have been received by anyone, regardless of whether or not the Bakugan inhabit those universes.

Now Amy spoke up. "Forgive me for asking this, but what are "Bakugan"?"

Dan began to explain. "They're a race of beings with incredible powers from another world, known as Vestroia. Vestroia was split into six worlds when the Perfect Core holding it together was split into two opposing energies, Infinity and Silence. The six worlds were each composed of one element; fire, water, air, earth, light and dark. The Bakugan in these worlds likewise evolved into six separate attributes; Pyrus, Aquos, Ventus, Sub Terra, Haos and Darkus."

Fabia took over. "When the six elements split into their separate worlds, some of the Bakugan came loose and ended up in my dimension. At least, that's what the myths say. In my dimension, there are two distinct species; the Neathians, who use mostly Haos Bakugan, and the Gundalians, who mostly use the other 5 attributes. We Neathians also became the guardians of the Sacred Orb, which is believed to be the origin of all Bakugan, be they from Vestroia, Neathia or Gundalia."

Then Serena asked a question. "If the Bakugan don't originate on Earth, then how did Dan meet up with them?"

"That's where it gets complicated." Dan said in response. "About 5 years ago, a guy named Michael created this machine that would allow for travel between dimensions. But during the first test, the machine overloaded, creating a tear in the dimensional barrier. Then my whole world changed that day, when all these random cards started raining down everywhere. These contained the Bakugan, which could only exist on Earth in the form of a ball. At first they seemed harmless enough, so together with my friends Runo, Marucho, Julie, mr. hot shot himself Shun and Alice, we created a cool new game. That's when we realised those cards weren't so harmless after all. Within a year, I met a Pyrus Dragonoid known as Drago. He showed me that the Bakugan were as intelligent as humans, which allowed us to form partnerships with our Bakugan. Around that time, an evil Bakugan called Naga absorbed the power of the Silent Core and turned Michael and Alice into his servants.

"So how did you guys defeat him?", Mina now asked. Everyone glared at her. “Hey, they obviously beat him. Otherwise Dan wouldn’t be sitting here telling all this.”

“You’d be right there, Mina.”, Drago spoke up. “I managed to inherit the power of the Silent Core in time to defeat Naga with the help of our friends and save New Vestroia, as it was born anew. Though Dan and I were forced to separate, we since came back together to fight new threats to Earth, Vestroia and all the humans and Bakugan who live on both.”

“Now what about you girls?”, Fabia asked. “I assume you didn’t just wake up one day and decide to be magical superheroines. What’s the story behind that?”

Artemis leapt onto the table, almost knocking Drago and Aranaut off. “I’ll field that one. 10,000 years ago, the girls were all princesses of the planets in the Solar System. And Serena was the Princess of the central monarchy, known as the Moon Kingdom. All of them were destroyed in battle with Queen Metalia and her Dark Army. But before the end, the Moon Kingdom’s Queen Serenity used the last of her power to reincarnate the children of the Silver Millennium on Earth in the distant future. Luna and I were then sent to gather the girls in their new lives to save the world when Queen Beryl returned to subsume the universe with darkness.”

“Right.”, Luna took over. “While Artemis located Mina and awakened her as Sailor Venus, I stumbled upon Serena here in Japan, and awakened her to her destiny as Sailor Moon. Together, we set out and awakened the others, all while looking for both the Silver Imperium Crystal and the Moon Princess. But soon after both our groups United and the Silver Crystal was assembled, it transpired that Serena was the Moon Princess and her boyfriend Darien was the reincarnation of the Princess’s lover, Prince Endymion. And then he was taken by Queen Beryl to be memory wiped into her consort.”

“But we didn’t give up.”, Serena took over. “I led the Sailor Scouts to the Negaverse’s entrance at the North Pole. With the power of our friendship, we freed Darien from evil and put an end to Metalia and Queen Beryl’s ambitions, but at the temporary cost of our memories as Sailor Scouts. But we quickly regained them, thanks to some outside interference.”

“So in short, we both thought it was over, before outside forces pushed us back in.”, Dan surmised. Suddenly, his BakuMeter began beeping.

"What does that alert mean?" Lita shouted over the loud noise.

Dan switched it off. "It means that Gundalians are in the area. My friend Ren helped install it."

This time Luna spoke up. "That means we need a plan to deal with these beastly aliens."

But Dan was already gone. “Dan, wait!”, Drago called out, his partner moving out in such a rush that he forgot that he left his partner behind. The others sighed and decided to run after him, with Drago also being forgotten in this rush. He sighed. “I’ll chew them out when they get back.”

And nearby, a pair of young women, one tall with short blonde hair, the other short with long, green-blue hair, found themselves surrounded by Gundalian soldiers. “Something tells me these guys aren’t from around here.”, the shorter one whispered. “And that they’re here for ‘you-know-who’.”

“In that case, we shouldn’t keep them waiting for very long.”, her partner said, as she took a pen out of her pocket. “Uranus Star Power!” In a flash of lights, Amara Tenoh had transformed into Sailor Uranus.

Her friend, Michelle Kaioh, followed suit with her own stick. “Neptune Star Power!” In an equally brief flash, she had transformed into Sailor Neptune, with the two leaping in to do battle with the soldiers.

And from the side, the Professor observed all that was happening, smiling at the sight, as his eyes glowed.

Sailor Moon: Gundalian Invaders (Remix) - Chapter 4 - Androzani84 (2024)


Is Sailor Moon a girl? ›

She is introduced in chapter No. 1 of the manga, "Usagi – Sailor Moon" (originally published in Japan's Nakayoshi magazine on December 28, 1991), as a carefree Japanese schoolgirl who can transform into the magical "Guardian of Love and Justice", Sailor Moon.

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Sailor Neptune And Sailor Uranus Betray Sailor Moon

It hurt to see the sailor scouts so defeated and betrayed by their comrades and friends.

Is Sailor Uranus a boy or girl? ›

In Sailor Moon Crystal, the most recent anime version for the franchise, Sailor Neptune remarks that Sailor Uranus is both male and female.

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As the daughter of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, she exhibits traits of both parents in battle. Her personality is no different from when she is a civilian, although certain powers are unavailable to her in that form. In the manga Sailor Chibi Moon's powers are significant, able to destroy and kill enemies.

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Sailor Saturn

She wields the Silence Glaive, which gives her the power to generate barriers and destroy a planet. When she uses that power, she kills herself, but Sailor Moon later revives her and she comes to live with Haruka, Michiru, and Setsuna like a family. Her theme color is purple.

Which sailor guardian died? ›

Putting Mars down, it prepares to finish Sailor Moon, but Sailor Mars grabs one of the Youma's tentacles, not quite dead, and uses Fire Soul, incinerating the final Youma alive. However, this was too much for her body, as it causes an explosion, leaving Mars dead.

Is Sailor Jupiter a girl? ›

Sailor Jupiter using Sparkling Wide Pressure in Sailor Moon Crystal. Makoto is portrayed as unusually strong for a teenage girl, but like the other Sailor Guardians, she must transform in order to gain access to her celestial powers.

What gender is Sailor Moon? ›

The only gender-related word Takeuchi-sensei has ever used to describe Haruka with is “woman.” Naoko Takeuchi is a very forward thinking person, but she is neither an all-loving progressive goddess nor a LGBTQ-hating monster (she's HUMAN!), so please keep in mind that everything about Sailor Moon is tied to the ...

Is Sailor a male or female? ›

This name is gender-neutral and of German origin meaning “boat person” or “sea-farer,” a lovely choice for water babies who love the sea. This breezy name entered the charts after supermodel Christie Brinkley chose the moniker for her daughter in the later 90s.

Is Sailor Moon a girly show? ›

Probably the most famous magical girl show of all time! It's awesome! Sailor Moon is a great magical show! As a huge magical girl fan, I have seen many magical girl shows, most of them were amazing, but there were some that weren't as good.

Are the sailor stars male or female? ›

The manga reveals that the Starlights are females that simply crossdress while on Earth to help hide their identity and locate their princess. The trio doesn't seem to have a problem with identifying as either male or female, making them similar to Sailor Uranus, who doesn't claim to be a single-gender.


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.