How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (2024)

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (1)

Beginning herbalists usually start their herbalism journey with teas.

However, quickly after tea, an herbalist learns how to make a tincture.

Herbal tinctures are an easy way to take herbal medicine and preserve your herbs for a very long time.

Herbal medicine is a homesteader’s solution to taking care of yourself and your family without having to rush to the doctor.

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (2)

Your herb of choice, and a little alcohol is all you need to learn how to make an herbal tincture.

When I was a kid, playing in the woods behind my house, I used to collect different stones, bark, ferns, etc. and combine them all together in a giant washpan filled with rain water.

I knew even back then that plants and minerals held “magical” qualities.

Now, as an adult, I’ve discovered that that childish play was intuitive and herbs really do have magical properties – for healing.

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (3)

My absolutely favorite resource for learning Herbalism is Herbal Academy. Their courses are gorgeous, and thorough, and can take you from an absolute beginner to opening your own herbal business!

They even have a yearly membership with hundreds of monographs, and unique courses like herbs for animals, herbs for ADHD, botanical skin care, and so much more!

But before we get into how to make an herbal tincture:

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (4)

What Is a Tincture?

Plants contain constituents (a component or part) that are designed to help the plant grow.

They have developed chemicals that protect themselves from predators, attract pollinators, or heal themselves.

These constituents are powerful chemicals that humans have extracted for thousands of years in our own herbal medicine.

These constituents have been separated into two different classes: primary and secondary metabolites:

  1. Primary metabolites include the chemicals plants use to growth and maintain health, including starches, proteins, lipids and others.
  2. Secondary metabolites include the chemicals plants use to interact with the world around them. This includes both to repel predators and attract pollinators.

At the beginning of the 19th century, humans began picking apart plants and identifying separate chemicals and their affects on humans.

William Withering, for example, identified a group of constituents in foxglove calledCardiac glycosides, and discovered their use in helping to regulate heart rate.

Some Best Practices When Making a Tincture

However, in this myopic view of the medicinal properties of plants, we lost the ability to see the big picture.

Opium can be extracted from the poppy flower and, taken in high doses, can be deadly.

However, the entire poppy flower has been used for thousands of years to treat stomach disorders, eye issues, and for pain relief.

Many plants contain complimenting constituents that can temper their negative side effects.

Just something to keep in mind: identifying a single constituent that you’d like to extract does not nullify the other constituents within the plant.

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (6)

Another thing to keep in mind when doing any herbal work is that combining two herbs does not always simply equal herb + herb.

There is a magical synergy that happens when some herbs combine that creates a unique, unexpected effect.

Play around with different combinations when making your herbal remedies and find the formulas that speak to you.

For a beautiful way to collect your information and research, check out my post on How to Make a Materia Medica.

In your materia medica, you should keep notes of every tincture and formula you make so you can refer back to them to recreate, or tweak your recipes.

To make things even easier, I’ve created an herbal tincture checklist you can print out and work off of the next time you make one!

For your free checklist download and many more homesteading resources, click the link below for access to my Homesteader’s Freebie Library.

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (7)

A tincture is the liquid that remains after soaking an herb in a solvent to extract it’s desired constituents.

This makes the specific constituents more readily available to our body for absorption.

What Do I Need to Make A Tincture?

In the very basic form, a tincture is composed of herb material and a solvent.

Your solvent can be anything from water, to alcohol, to vinegar, but for the purposes of this post we’ll stick to using alcohol.

Using alcohol to make a tincture serves a few purposes: it will extract more constituents than something milder such as water or vinegar.

For example, alkaloids, sugars, enzymes, essential oil, some minerals and vitamins are best extracted with alcohol.

Several different types of alcohol can be used, as long as it’s over 80 proof (or 40% alcohol by volume).

If your vodka, for example, is 40% alcohol by volume, than it’s 60% water.

Too much water opens your tincture up to the danger of mold, which will ruin any tincture.

While alcohols such as vodka, brandy and whiskey are all acceptable, the best alcohol to use for high-quality tinctures areorganic grape or organic grain alcohol.

The quality of the herbs that you use is of special concern as well. Purchase from a supplier you trust, local farmer, or, even better, grow them yourself.

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (8)

Additional equipment that will help in the process include:

how to make an herbal tincture (folk method)

The folk method of making tinctures is the method I use most myself.

If I were making tinctures for friends and family to treat specific conditions, I might be more concerned about the consistency of a specific formula.

  1. Harvest the herb material or root that you want to use – removing all parts of the plant that are not desired. Chop or mash fresh herbs and grind dry herbs to exposure as much surface area to the solvent as possible
  2. Place herbs in a wide mouth mason jar
  3. Add your alcohol enough to cover the herbs by an inch or so and replace the lid
  4. Store your tincture in a cool, dark place and visit it daily to shake or mix up the plant material
  5. After 4-6 weeks, strain the mixture through your cheesecloth, squeezing out as much solvent as possible
  6. Optional: store in your brown amber tincture bottles and label with the type of tincture and date
How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (9)

Mathematical Tinctures

If you prefer to be able to replicate your tinctures with better consistency, you’ll need to do a little simple math.

What you are looking to capture when making mathematical tinctures is the weight-to-volume ratio.

The weight of the herb you are using to the volume of alcohol you will steep it in.

  1. Weigh your herbs on a kitchen scale once they’ve been picked and cleaned
  2. Chop or mash fresh herbs and grind dry herbs to exposure as much surface area to the solvent as possible
  3. Determine the ratio you desire. With this method, you compare grams to milliliters (mL) of solvent.

For example, if you want a 1:2 herb:solvent ratio, you’ll use 30 grams of dandelion root and 60 milliliters of alcohol.

Fresh herbs usually do well with a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio. Dried herbs are more concentrate (because the water has been removed) so are generally mixed with a 1:4 or 1:5 ratio.

But experiment and see what works best for you.

A note on using ratios for those of us that have been out of school for awhile: a 1:2 ratio is roughly twice as strong as a 1:4 ratio.

Just keep that in mind when you begin looking at your dosage.

4.Place herbs in awide mouth mason jar

5. Add your alcohol enough to cover the herbs by an inch or so and replace the lid

6. Store your tincture in a cool, dark place and visit it daily to shake or mix up the plant material

7. After 4-6 weeks, strain the mixture through your cheesecloth, squeezing out as much solvent as possible

8. Optional: store in your brown amber tincture bottles and label with the type of tincture and date

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (10)

The second number you’ll be concerned with when you are making mathematical tinctures is the alcohol percentage.

Often you’ll see tincture dosing written like this: 1.5-2 mL of 1:5 in 60%.

This means a tincture of 1:5 ratio of herb:solvent in a solution of 60% alcohol. Some herbs do better in a more delicate solvent, while others prefer the strong stuff.

For simplicity’s sake, you can always simply purchase an alcohol that is 120 proof (or 60% alcohol by volume). Math – done.

However, if you have a stronger alcohol, you may need to mix it with water to get the percentage you need.

The basic formula to get your desired alcohol concentration is this:% of Grain Alcohol Used to Make Solvent = 100 x (Desired % Alcohol in Solvent ÷ Alcohol Content of Grain Alcohol)

Don’t run away! It’s easier than it looks!

If you need a 100 mL of a 50% solution, but you have 180 proof alcohol (95%), you’ll plug these numbers into the formula.

Desired % Alcohol in Solvent = 50

Alcohol Content of Grain Alcohol = 95

Plugging these numbers into the formula looks like this:

% of Grain Alcohol Used to Make Solvent = 100 x (50÷ 95) = 52.6%

This means that 52.6% of your solvent will be your grain alcohol, and 47.4% will be water. To keep things simple, if you need 100 mL of solvent, you’ll use 52.6 mL of alcohol and 47.4 mL of water.

Now you see why I use the folk method 🙂

For more information on herbal remedies, including the history of herbal medicine, information on Ayruveda and the four humors, and the best ways to use herbs as medicine, check out my new eBook, “A Beginner’s Guide to Herbal Medicine.” Click the image below for more!

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (11)

For more info on creating herbal remedies and tinctures, check out my favorite books:

How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (12)
How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine (2024)


How to Make a Tincture - Effective Herbal Medicine? ›

Pour grain alcohol of 40 to 70 percent over the herbs to the top of your glass jar, covering them completely. Cover the jar with parchment paper and then screw on a metal lid. Let it sit for 6 to 8 weeks. Place a cheesecloth over a funnel and allow your tincture to drip through.

How do you make potent herbal tinctures? ›

Pour grain alcohol of 40 to 70 percent over the herbs to the top of your glass jar, covering them completely. Cover the jar with parchment paper and then screw on a metal lid. Let it sit for 6 to 8 weeks. Place a cheesecloth over a funnel and allow your tincture to drip through.

What alcohol is best for herbal tinctures? ›

A: The best alcohol for tinctures is a high-proof alcohol that is of the highest quality. Popular alcohols for tinctures include gin, vodka, and brandy. For a high-proof, organic cane alcohol that's perfect for making tinctures, we recommend trying Diamond Clear.

How long can you leave herbs in a tincture? ›

This is a great time to put good energy into your herbal creation and visualize all the ways it's going to help you once it's finally ready. After 4-6 weeks have passed, you can then press out your tincture. Don't worry too much about the time, some folks wait as little as three weeks and some wait much longer.

How effective are herbal tinctures? ›

Herbal tinctures work efficiently, targeting different aspects of your wellbeing from boosting your immune system to stress relief. The concentrated liquid form allows for quick absorption, making them potent options for health support.

How can I increase the potency of my tincture? ›

Over time, the plant's cannabinoids and terpenes will dissolve (alcohol) or infuse (glycerin) with the base. A longer steep time will yield a more potent tincture.

What is the best oil for herbal tinctures? ›

Which oils can be used?
  • Sunflower oil - cheap and fairly neutral in scent and often comes from Europe, so more 'local' to UK buyers. ...
  • Rapeseed oil/Canola oil - cheap and neutral in scent. ...
  • Olive oil - cheap, nourishing and good for those with nut/seed allergies. ...
  • Almond oil - for dry and sensitive skins, light scent.

Is alcohol or vinegar better for tinctures? ›

Alcohol is often the liquid of choice, as it can extract components, such as resins and alkaloids, that are not water-soluble. People usually take tinctures orally by using a dropper to place the liquid under their tongue. Depending on the types of herbs involved, tinctures can include various parts of the plant.

What is the ratio of herbs to alcohol in a tincture? ›


For dry herbs, use a 1:5 ratio (1 part herbs to 5 parts alcohol). For fresh herbs, the ratio is 1:2 because you need to take into consideration the amount of water in the plant matter.

What is a substitute for alcohol in herbal tinctures? ›

In recipes for tinctures, you can replace the alcohol with one of the following:
  • Apple cider vinegar.
  • Food-grade glycerine. You may need to warm the glycerine to make it runny before pouring over your herbs. If using dried herbs, dampen them with a little hot water before pouring the glycerine over.

Do tinctures need to be refrigerated? ›

Alcohol-based tinctures have an unlimited shelf life and do not require refrigeration if stored in a cool, dark location. Tinctures that are vegetable glycerine-based do not need to be refrigerated and can last from 3-5 years.

Can you store tincture in mason jars? ›

For the best protective storage for tinctures, you're looking for a container that blocks light to prevent decomposition, is made of glass to prevent contamination, and has an airtight seal to prevent evaporation. Mason jars do an excellent job at addressing all three of these needs.

Is it better to make tinctures with fresh or dried herbs? ›

Dried herbs make better extracts as controlling alcohol strength in final product is easy than tinctures from fresh herbs. Literature and our own research suggest that tinctures made from fresh herbs are generally weaker in terms of dissolved phytochemicals.

What are the disadvantages of tinctures? ›

Allergies (including fatal anaphylaxis) Rashes, hives, and swelling of the airways and tongue. Swelling of the kidneys or liver due to long-term use of herbal tinctures or their alcohol content. A steep drop in blood sugars, blood pressure, or clotting problems due to certain tinctures.

What is the most popular tincture? ›

Some of the most popular include Arnica: Arnica is a flowering plant that is native to Europe and Siberia. It has long been used for its medicinal properties and is particularly effective in treating inflammation and pain. Other popular plants used for herbal tinctures include chamomile, lavender, St.

What is the best solvent for tinctures? ›

Herbalists often advise using alcohol as the solvent of choice if you are in doubt about which one to choose. Most compounds transfer easily into alcohol and you can make some of the best, potent tinctures with alcohol.

What is a potent tincture? ›

Potent - very strong dose. *Based on a 30 milliliter tincture bottle containing 300 milligrams of THC.

Do tinctures lose potency? ›

Tincture has the longest shelf life of any cannabis extract. Under optimal conditions, it can last years with minimal cannabinoid depreciation. Tinctures will not truly expire, but after very long periods of time or under stressful storage conditions, they will become less potent.

How do you make a strong tincture without alcohol? ›

How To Make Alcohol-Free Herbal Tinctures (aka Glycerites)
  1. Put herbs in jar about 1/2 way. Fill to the top with glycerine.
  2. Cover and put in slow cooker (or Instant Pot with slow cooker feature) that's lined with a towel and filled with water — run on low for 3 days.
  3. Remove and strain. Done!


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.