Bray with the borough of Maidenhead: Churches and charities (2024)


The church of ST. MICHAEL consists of a chancel 43 ft. by 14 ft. 10 in.,north vestry, north chapel 28 ft. 1 17 ft. 4 in., south chapel 27 ft. 2 in. by 17 ft. 4 in.,nave 85 ft. 11 in. by 16 ft. 5 in., north aisle 85 ft. 3 16 ft. 6 in., south aisle 85 ft. 7 in. by 16 ft. 9 in.and a tower at the south-west of the south aisle 15 ft.square. These measurements are all internal.

The south aisle and the original arches of the southarcades of the chancel and nave, though muchrestored, are the earliest surviving portions and datefrom c. 1300; the north aisle was entirely rebuilt in1859, and if, as is said to be the case, it is a copy ofits predecessor, this and the north arcade wereprobably built about twenty years later than the southaisle. The present chancel and chapels (fn. 1) seem to havebeen rebuilt c. 1500. In 1859 a series of sweeping'restorations' was entered upon. The north arcadeof the chancel, the eastern arch of which was widenedearly in the 16th century, was rebuilt to match thesouth arcade, while the east window of the north chapelwas altered from five lights to four and the two northwindows from four lights to two. The south chapelwas given an 'early perpendicular' character and theearly 14th-century chancel arch was reconstructed.New piers were substituted for the original piers ofthe nave, and the eastern arches of the arcades, whichhad till then been separated by short lengths of blankwalling from the west wall of the chancel and fromthe arches next to the westward, were enlarged. The15th-century west window was removed to makeroom for a 'decorated' window, and all the originaltimber roofs were removed, the walls of the nave beingraised about 6 ft. At the same time all the originaldetail which was allowed to remain was restoredalmost out of recognition. The walls, which, withthe exception of those of the chancel, are buttressed,are all faced externally with flint, and the dressingsand wrought details where original are of chalk.

The east window of the chancel, though muchrestored, is of the late 15th century, and is of fivecinquefoiled lights under a traceried four-centredhead. A doorway of the same date in the north wallleads into the vestry, while the remainder of the wallis occupied by the modern arcade opening into thenorth chapel. At the south-east is a restored 13th-century piscina with a trefoil head and fluted basin,to the west of which is a modern window of threecinquefoiled lights with vertucal tracery under anelliptical head, probably a copy of a former window.The early 14th-century arcade of the south chapel isof chalk, and has two-centred arches of two orders,each moulded with a sunk quarter-round, supportedby an octagonal column and responds with mouldedcapitals and bases. There are labels on both faces,but their stops and the responds have been renewedin stone. The chancel arch is of two moulded orders.

The east window of the north chapel, now theorgan chamber, is of four cinquefoiled lights under atraceried four-centred head. The two north windowsare each of two similar lights with traceried heads ofthe same form; some of the material of the larger15th-century windows which they replace was re-usedin their construction. A modern arch divides thechapel from the north aisle. The windows and southdoorway of the south chapel are entirely modern.

The nave arcades are of six bays with two-centredarches of two orders, each order being moulded witha sunk quarter-round. The octagonal columns andresponds, together with the eastern arch of each arcade,are modern. The eastern arch of the south arcadeis built of original chalk voussoirs from the twodemolished arches. The west window is modern.

With one exception the original windows havebeen reset in the rebuilt north wall of the north aisle.The easternmost window is of late 15th-century dateand is of three cinquefoiled lights under a traceriedsegmental head. The remaining three windows inthis wall are each of two trefoiled lights with a foliatedspherical triangle within a two-centred head, and,with the exception of the westernmost, which is amodern copy, are of the early 14th century. Thewest window is modern. At the east end of thenorth wall is an angular projection, evidently thereproduction of that which formerly contained therood stairs. The wall is faced with flint diversifiedby small cubes of freestone.

The south aisle has four south windows, the threeeastern of which are coupled lancets, having deepsplays with moulded internal jambs and segmentaltwo-centred rear arches with internal labels and leafstops. To the east of the south doorway is a holywater stoup in a recess with moulded jambs and a segmental two-centred head. The south doorway, whichhas a two-centred head and external label with a droprear arch, is of two orders, each moulded with asunk quarter-round, and appears to be of early 14th-century date. Externally it is surrounded by anelaborately moulded opening in the north wall ofthe 15th-century tower, which is built against theaisle wall, the ground stage forming a south porch.The westernmost window is a single trefoiled lightwith an external label and a segmental two-centredrear arch. All the external stones appear to bemodern.

The tower is in three receding stages with anglebuttresses of four offsets at the southern angles, anda square stair turret of slight projection at the north-western angle. The parapet is embattled, and thestair turret, which has also an embattled parapet,rises above it. The ground stage is ceiled by amodified form of sexpartite vault with a centralcircular opening and moulded diagonal, transverse,and ridge ribs with bosses at their intersections. Theridges of the subsidiary compartments on the east andwest are parallel with the transverse rib and meet thediagonals midway between the springing and the apex.The vault springs from triple vaulting shafts withmoulded bell capitals having octagonal abaci andmoulded bases with octagonal plinths resting on lowstone podia with moulded cappings. The doorwayin the south wall of the tower is a modern restorationof 1875 and has a moulded two-centred head andjambs with traceried spandrels within a squareexterior label. The ringing stage is lighted by smallsquare-headed trefoiled lights on the east and westand the bell-chamber has in each face a window oftwo cinquefoiled lights with vertical tracery withina two-centred head, the lights being fitted withpierced stone panels. The walls are of flint rubblewith chalk dressings.

The roofs are modern and covered externally withtiles; with the exception of the north chapel roof,they are all of steep pitch. The roof of the southaisle has been put together with fragments of the oldroofs removed at the restoration.

The octagonal font with quatrefoiled panels andwooden cover was made in the year 1647, as testifiedby an entry under that year in the book of churchwardens' accounts. (fn. 2)

Against the west wall of the north aisle is asepulchral stone, decorated with a foliated cross,having the letters LAG on the arms. Round theedge of the slab part of an inscription is still legible:'Ici : gist : Willame : Le Fiz . . . . . . . . ari :lesscoler : de …'

On the north wall of the north aisle is the brass (fn. 3) of Sir John de Foxley (d. 1378), containing the figureof a knight in bascinet with camail, and plates, standing between his two wives under a canopy now lost.The knight's head rests on a helm crested with a fox;his jupon is charged with his two bars. The ladyon his right wears an armorial dress charged withFoxley impaling Brocas. The lady on his left issimilarly dressed; her dress is charged with Foxleyonly. The figures and the canopy occupy the upperhalf of the slab; below is a fox, on which rests acolumn supporting the design. All inscriptions havedisappeared.

On the south wall of the south aisle east of thesouth door is a brass to William Dyer, vicar, 1440.Beneath is a brass inscribed in black letter toThomas atte Lude, chaplain. He was probablychaplain of the chapel formerly existing at Maidenhead. In the south wall of the south chapel is abrass with inscription to William Laken, a justice ofthe King's Bench, who died 6 October 1475, andhis wife Sibyl, a daughter and heir of John Sifrewast,lord of Clewer. He wears a sword and belt and along furred gown.

In the floor of the south aisle is a brass to WilliamSmythe and his two wives Agnes and Matilda, c. 1500,with an inscription in black letter, a blank being leftfor the date. On the north wall of the north aisle isa brass to William Norreys, usher of the Parliamenthouse and of the order of the Garter under Maryand Elizabeth, who died 16 April 1591. He wearsthe badge of the Garter and kneels with his wife andtwelve children. Above are his own arms and thoseof Fortescue for his wife, and between himself and hiswife is the Norreys shield with the motto 'FaithfullySarve.' Below is Norreys impaling Fortescue.

On the south wall of the south chapel is a brass toClement Kelke, haberdasher of London and merchantadventurer, who died in 1593, and his wife Elizabeth,daughter of Alderman Becher. On the same wall is abrass to William Smithe, 1594, gentleman-at-armsto Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. Above arehis arms, viz. : Sable a ring argent within a borderengrailed or and a chief or with a mace sable therein.The crest is a forearm cut off at the elbow, the handgrasping a mace.

On the north side of the south chapel, in thesouth-east pier of the nave, is a brass tablet in amarble frame, without name or date. It shows aman and a woman of c. 1600 kneeling in prayer.Below is an inscription beginning:—

'When Oxford gave thee two degrees in art,
And love possest thee master of my heart,
Thy Colledge Fellowshipp thou lefst for mine,
And nought but deathe could seprate me fro thine.'

Two shields in the spandrels of the frame haveapparently been repainted.

On the north wall of the chancel is a mural monument to William Goddard of Philibert, who died in1609, founder of Jesus Hospital, and Joyce Maunsellhis wife, who died in 1622. Within two niches underan entablature and broken pediment supported bymarble Corinthian columns are painted three-quarterfigures, life-sized, of William Goddard and his wife.The inscriptions are on the base of the monument,which is of marble and painted stone. Over theentablature is a shield of arms: Gules an eagle orand a chief vair.

On the north face of the north-east pier of thenave is a brass to Arthur Page of Water Oakley,who died 23 December 1610, and his wife Cicely,daughter of William Brownesopp, by whom he hadissue one son, Edward; she died 12 March 1598.He is represented kneeling in prayer with his wife.

In the floor at the west end of the north aisle isa brass to Thomas Lawrence, who died 28 October1603. On the north wall of the north aisle is anelaborate monument to William Paule, who died in1685.

There is a peal of six bells, the treble inscribed,'Feare God Honour the King 1678,' the secondby Henry Knight, 1612, the third by HenryKnight, 1613, the fourth by Thomas Mears, 1812,the fifth by Thomas Swain, 1771, while the tenorbears the date 1663.

The communion plate is modern and consists of achalice dated 1888, a flagon, 1850, and two patens,1854.

The registers previous to 1812 are as follows:(i) marriages 1653 to 1723 (the years between 1657and 1660 are missing), baptisms 1652 to 1722,burials 1653 to 1722 (the years between 1656 and1659 are missing); (ii) marriages 1723 to 1754,baptisms 1723 to 1763, burials 1723 to 1763;(iii) baptisms 1763 to 1812; (iv) marriages 1754to 1777; (v) marriages 1778 to 1812.

On the north side of the churchyard is the chantrychapel of ST. MARY THE VIRGIN, used in the 18thcentury for the free school and now for the Sundayschool. It is a plain rectangular building, measuringexternally about 66 ft. 4 in. by 23 ft. 8 in., with flintfaced walls, buttresses of two offsets at each angle, anda steep-pitched tiled roof. The walls and probablythe buttresses, though much restored, appear to be ofthe late 13th century, but early in the 17th century,when the building was turned into a school-house,the interior was divided into two rooms of unequalsize by a brick chimney stack with two fireplaces backto back, and new windows were formed in the northwall. The east and west windows are entirely modern,and their heads are filled with plate tracery of a drearytype. In the south wall are two square-headeddoorways, both of modern stonework, but the westernmost, which may occupy the position of the originaldoorways, has an early 17th-century door. Betweenthe two doorways is a lancet with modern externalstonework and original internal jambs and rear arch,while to the east of it are the jambs and rear arch ofa second lancet, not visible externally. A sculpturedstone bearing what appears to be the figure of a bullis set in the external face of the wall between thewestern doorway and the lancet.

At the south-east of the churchyard is an L-shapedhalf-timber gate-house of the 15th century, probably thechantry-house. The entrances to the gateway, whichoccupies about half the ground floor of the principalblock, have four-centred heads with plain sunk spandrels, and the gabled upper story has moulded sills withsupporting brackets. A small staircase entered from thenorth-west corner of the gateway passage and lightedby open balustered lights leads to the upper floor; theportion above the gateway is divided into two rooms,and an original roof-truss is exposed. This part ofthe building remains very much in its original condition, though the staircase is probably of 17th-centuryconstruction, and the windows appear to have beenenlarged; the north-east wing has, however, beenmuch modernized, and the upper parts of the chimneystacks have been renewed.

The ecclesiastical parish of ALL SAINTS, Braywood, was formed in 1871. The church consists ofa chancel, a nave, north and south transepts, a northvestry, a south-east tower, and a west porch. It waserected in 1866 of flint in 14th-century Gothicstyle, and at the cost of Madame Van de Weyer.The parish includes Fifield and Oakley Green andparts of Winkfield and Cranbourne. The living is avicarage in the gift of Col. Van de Weyer.

The church of HOLY TRINITY at Touchen Endconsists of a chancel and a nave, with a north porch,a north aisle and west bellcote. It was erected in1862 in the 14th-century style, and is built of redbrick with stone dressings and tiled roofs. It servesas a chapel of ease to St. Michael's.

The ecclesiastical parish of ST. LUKE at Maidenhead was formed in 1867 from Cookham. Thechurch consists of a chancel, nave and aisles, northvestry, south porch, and south-east tower, with abroach spire. It was erected in 1867, the spire beingadded in 1894. The design is of late 13th-centurycharacter, and the material is coursed quarry-facedstonework with ashlar dressings. The roofs are slated.The living is a vicarage in the gift of the Bishop of Oxford.

Bray with the borough of Maidenhead: Churches and charities (1)

The ecclesiastical parish of ST. ANDREW ANDST. MARY MAGDALENE at Maidenhead wasformed in 1870. The church is built of light-colouredbrick with stone dressings, and consists of a chancelwith a semi-octagonal apse, a vestry on the north,a square embattled tower on the south, the lowerpart of which is used as an organ chamber, and alarge and lofty aisleless nave, the west end of whichis three-sided. The church was erected in 1825–6,but the whole of the east end was pulled down in1877 and the existing chancel, with the tower andvestry. erected in its place. The early registers aredivided between Bray and Cookham.

The plate consists of two fine silver flagons with thedate letter of 1629 and a chalice and paten of 1657,given by Richard Robinson in the same year. A secondchalice and paten were presented by I. Knollis, B.D.,chaplain, G. C. Gorham, B.D., curate, and seventypersons in the congregation to the church on ChristmasDay, 1838, and there are also an almsdish of 1725 anda silver-gilt spoon of 1838.

The ecclesiastical parish of ALL SAINTS, BoynHill, was formed in 1858. The church consistsof a chancel, with south vestry and organ chamber,nave, aisles, south porch, a tower and spire at thenorth-west, and a bellcote over the east gable of thenave.

The church was erected from the designs of thelate G.E. Street in the year 1857, the nave thenconsisting of four bays, and the tower standingisolated at the north-west corner of the nave. In1907 the nave was extended two bays westward, theground stage of the tower now forming a north porch.The materials are brick, with dressings and bands ofstone and coloured brick.The tower is surmounted bya broach spire of stone andthere is a stone bellcote overthe east gable of the nave.The roofs are of timber,covered externally with tiles.The living is a vicarage inthe gift of the Bishop ofOxford.

The church of ST. PETERat Maidenhead, erected in1894, consists of a chancelwith an apsidal end, a southvestry and organ chamber, anave and aisles and a westporch, while on the roofbetween the chancel and thenave is a small bellcotecovered with a shingle spire.The walls both inside andout are faced with red brickswith diaper work and stringsof purple bricks, and thedressings are of stone. Theroofs are open and coveredwith tiles. It serves as a chapel of case to St.Luke's.

The church of ST. PAUL, High Town Road,Maidenhead, erected in 1887 and consecrated in1889, consists of a continuous aisleless nave andchancel, north vestry, north porch, a semicircularwestern baptistery, and a wooden bellcote surmounting the roof. The materials are yellow and red brick,with stone dressings. At the west end of the nave isa semicircular baptistery. The roofs are of timber,covered with tiles. It serves as a chapel of ease toAll Saints, Boyn Hill.


There was a church at Bray in1086. (fn. 4) It was granted about 1133to the abbey of Cirencester byHenry I, whose gift was afterwards confirmed byJohn, (fn. 5) and the abbot and convent received licence toappropriate it before 1274. (fn. 6) It continued in theirpossession till the Dissolution, (fn. 7) when the vicaragewas worth £25 4s. 4d. yearly. (fn. 8) In 1547 it wasgranted by Edward VI to the Bishop of Oxford, (fn. 9) towhose successors it belonged until the time of theCommonwealth. (fn. 10) It was sold by the Parliamentarycommissioners to Francis Hardinge in 1651, (fn. 11) butwas recovered at the Restoration by the Bishop ofOxford, (fn. 12) to which see the patronage still belongs. (fn. 13)

Simon Allen, vicar of Bray between 1538 and1565, was, according to Fuller, the time-server whoheld his living under the last four Tudors, and 'beingtaxed for an inconstant changeling' answered thathe had always kept true to his principle, to live anddie vicar of Bray. (fn. 14) The story is, however, betterknown through the song, which makes the vicar livemore than a century later in order to give him theopportunity of asserting his principle more frequently.

Maidenhead, since 1870 a separate ecclesiasticalparish, was formerly divided between the two parishesof Cookham and Bray. The chapel was built towardsthe close of the episcopate of Walter de la Wyle,Bishop of Salisbury (1263–74), without any sanctionfrom either of the vicars of the parishes concerned, andthe bishop therefore refused his licence and placed aninterdict on the building. (fn. 15) This was upheld by hissuccessor Robert de Wickhampton, (fn. 16) and it was not until1324 that the vicars of Cookham and Bray withdrewtheir opposition and the Bishop of Salisbury, Rogerde Mortival, procured relaxation of the interdict. (fn. 17) It was then agreed that the vicar of Cookham was tonominate a priest to serve the chapel, (fn. 18) but this rightwas afterwards usurped by the inhabitants of Maidenhead. (fn. 19) They retained it until 1582, after which itpassed to the corporation, who are known to haveexercised the patronage at least as far back as theearlier part of the reign of Charles I. (fn. 20) The right tonominate was, however, still claimed by the townsmenand gave rise to protracted legal proceedings in 1779,when the corporation nominated Mr. Onslow andthe townsmen Mr. Leicester. (fn. 21) The vicar of Cookham also claimed the right to present, but he soonwithdrew from the contest and the corporation madegood their claim. They continued to be the patronsof the living until the Muncipal Reform Act, (fn. 22) when the advowson was sold to Mr. Ebenezer FullerMaitland. It is now the property of the PeacheTrustees. (fn. 23)


For William Cherry's foundationfounded by William Cherry andendowed by his will dated 30 August1703 see article on schools. (fn. 24) A free school fortwenty poor boys was originally carried on in an oldchapel in the churchyard. In 1890 the propertypurchased with the legacy of £500 was sold and theproceeds invested in £1,018 2s. 6d. consols, with theofficial trustees, producing £25 9s. a year, whichunder a scheme of the Board of Education of 18 May1906 is made applicable in the maintenance ofexhibitions of the value of £10 a year tenable for thepurposes of instruction higher than elementary.

Jesus Hospital and its subsidiary endowments.

—William Goddard, who died in 1609, by his will(exact date unknown) devised to the wardens andcommonalty of the mystery of Fishmongers ofLondon, after the decease of his wife Joyce, lands inLondon and his lands in Bray for the purpose oferecting almshouses to accommodate six aged and poorpersons of the company, and thirty-four aged poor ofthe parish of Bray, to be called 'Jesus Hospital in Brayof the foundation of William Goddard.' The hospitalwas completed by the company in 1628 under LettersPatent of 13 August 1616.

The trust estates, which had undergone considerablechanges in consequence of an inclosure in the parishand of certain exchanges and sales, now consist of thesite on the outskirts of the village, and buildings inquadrangular form containing forty almshouses witha chapel and rooms for a chaplain, Short Lane Farmand Lords Lane Farm and other lands in Bray, containing together 232 acres or thereabouts, producingabout £300 a year, also no. 10 Aldgate High Streetand no. 3 Jewry Street in the City of London, let at£710 per annum; also a sum of £2,610 15s. 10d.consols in the corporate name of the company,representing proceeds of sale of property in Aldgate,sales of timber, &c., and surplus income producing£65 5s. 4d.

The following subsidiary charities are also applicablefor the benefit of the hospital, namely:

Jeremiah Copping, by will, 1686, trust fundconsisting of a moiety of £2,367 14s. 1d. consols;Thomas Cooke, by will, 1810, trust fund consisting of£5,900 consols; Robert Baskerville's gift in 1653of £4 per annum, John Owen's gift in 1676 of £1per annum, and John Hibbert's gift in 1856 of£500 in 1857 of a further £500 on the conditionthat the company should increase the weekly allowancesof the married parishionary almspeople by 2s. a week;and a further gift of £1,000 in 1860 for increasingthe allowances by 6d. a week to each of theparishionary almspeople, both married and single.Payments amounting to about £110 a year are dulymade by the company in respect of these gifts.

Sophia Ann Osborne, by will proved at Birmingham1876, trust fund £205 2s. 7d. consols with theofficial trustees, subject to keeping in repair the tombin the churchyard; George Pearce by will, provedat London 1878, trust fund £2,946 13s. 4d. consols,including an addition by the company, so as toprovide 1s. per week for the parishionary almspeople,and William Joshua Clarke by will, proved at Londonin 1896, trust fund £230 12s. 9d. 2½ per cent.annuities, the income to be distributed on 2 August,the anniversary of the death of his father, in each yearequally between the parishionary almspeople.

The income from rents of the realty and fromdividends of the principal charity amounted in 1907to £1,079 3s. 8d. and the income from the subsidiarycharities to £360 14s. 4d., to which the companyadded a sum of £160 4s.

The allowances paid to the company's almspeopleare, married couples 16s. per week and single inmates11s. per week. The allowances to the parishionaryalmspeople are 8s. 6d. per week to married couplesand 6s. per week to single inmates. Each almspersonreceives also annually 2s. 6d. in respect of Osborne'sgift, 5s. on annual visitation and two tons of coaland twenty-five bundles of fa*ggots, and bienniallyeach almsman receives a suit of clothes and eachalmswoman a gown.

The chaplain receives £150 per annum, and £60is paid for medical attendance.

Lucas Hospital.

—The parish is entitled to have aninmate in this hospital.

The charity of Sir John Norreys was founded bydeed of settlement of 30 January 1609, whereby thedonor enfeoffed unto trustees certain parcels of groundseverally lying in certain hamlets of the parish uponwhich small cottages had been erected to be used rentfree for poor aged and impotent inhabitants. Thecharity was the subject of an inquisition of charitableuses at Maidenhead in 1699, and also of applicationsto the Court of Chancery from time to time, inconsequence of persons in occupation of the charityestates claiming adversely against the trustees. (fn. 25) Owingto the unsatisfactory condition of the charity and tothe fear of personal liability for costs it was found tobe impossible to induce persons to accept the trusteeship. The charity is accordingly in abeyance.

The three charities next mentioned are regulatedby a scheme of the Charity Commissioners of4 November 1902, namely :—the charities of RobertChalloner, D.D., by will, 1621, consisting of rentcharges of 40s. for distribution to four of the godliestpoor of East Oakley and Bray, and 40s. for sermons,which are now paid by Major M. Adam, the ownerof property at Oakley; John Bidleson by will, 1763,trust fund £335 consols, with the official trustees,producing £8 7s. 4d. a year, and the fuel allotment,consisting of 6 a. 2 r. 6 p. awarded under the BrayInclosure Act, (fn. 26) let at £18 10s. a year.

In pursuance of the scheme, Dr. Challoner's charityfor the poor is distributed in sums of 10s. in cases ofsickness or other special distress, and the income ofBidleson's charity is distributed annually on St.Thomas's Day to poor persons of Bray town in meatand bread, and the net income of the fuel allotmentin the distribution of coals to widows and old peoplethroughout the whole of the ancient parish.

The charity of Mary Rixman (see under Maidenhead).

—This parish participates in this charity forapprenticing and clothing poor boys. Under a schemeof 10 September 1895 every third boy is chosen fromthe parish of Bray, which lies outside the borough ofMaidenhead.

Archbishop Laud's charity (see under Reading).

—This parish has under a scheme of 18 December1906 the right of having one boy in every twelveapprenticed chosen from boys born in the parish ofBray.

In 1684 Sir William Paul, by will, charged landcalled Kimbers with an annuity of £5 for the poor,which is now in the possession of Col. Victor W. B.Van de Weyer. The official trustees also hold a sumof £332 0s. 3d. consols, representing the investmentof fifty-nine years of the annuity unpaid previous to1795. The income of the charity, amounting to£13 6s., is applied in aid of a clothing and shoe clubfor the poor in augmentation of the contributions ofthe members.

In 1709 Dame Mary Penyston, formerly wife ofSir William Paul, by deed further charged Kimberswith £5 a year for apprenticing a poor boy. Theincome is accumulated until it amounts to £20, whenit is applied in apprenticing a boy, preferably fromthe hamlet of Braywick.

The parish chalk-pit.

—From time immemorial theparishioners have taken chalk from land in CanonLane, containing 5 acres or thereabouts, a portion ofwhich is let for cultivation at £2 10s. a year, whichis applied by the parish council in keeping theproperty in order.

The Rev. Walter Levett's charity, founded bydeed 7 December 1853 (enrolled), consists of a cottage let to the vicar at £6 a year, and two tenementsadjoining, situate over the gateway leading to thechurch, one of which is occupied, rent free, by awidow and the other by a man and his wife.

The Touchen End chapel repairing fund consistsof £107 19s. 3d. consols, with the official trustees,arising from a gift of the Rev. James Edward AustenLeigh, vicar of Bray, by deed poll of 7 July 1862.

The official trustees also hold a sum of £534 15s. 2d.consols, arising from a gift by Mrs. Levett to the Rev.James Edward Austen Leigh, for the maintenance of aschool and church at Touchen End. The dividends,amounting to £13 7s. 4d., are applied towards thesalary of the organist and expenses of heating andinsurance of the church.

In 1894 Mary Ann Clark, by her will proved atLondon 15 February, bequeathed £200 to the rectorand churchwardens of St. Michael's Church, theincome to be applied in keeping the vault in thechurchyard in repair and the residue for the benefitof the poor. The legacy was invested in the purchase of £198 16s. 7d. consols, producing £4 19s. 4d.a year, which is applied in the distribution offlannel.

The same testatrix, subject to the life interest ofher husband, likewise bequeathed £500 to the sametrustees, the income to be applied for the benefit ofthe charities connected with the same church. Thislegacy was invested in £441 7s. 10d. consols, producing £11 0s. 8d. a year. A sum of £6 or £8 outof the income is distributed in sums of 5s. or 10s.each to poor persons belonging to the ecclesiasticalparish, and the residue is carried to the fund for themaintenance of Touchen End Church and school(see above).

Educational charities: the National schools' endowment.

— The official trustees hold a sum of £1,630 10s.consols, arising in part from a gift of Whitshed Keene,by deed dated 26 April 1817, as an endowment ofthe girls' school, and in part from a legacy ofSir William Hearne for the schoolmaster. Thedividends, amounting to £40 15s., are applied as to£2 18s. 2d. to the master of the Holyport schooland the residue in the provision of clothing for girlsattending the Braywick school and the Touchen Endschool (see below).

The Braywick Church of England school is comprised in deed of 13 April 1819 by Mr. PascoeGrenfell. The Holyport Church of England schoolis comprised in deed poll of 20 April 1848, by theFishmongers' Company. The Touchen End Churchof England school is comprised in deed poll of31 December 1861, by Teresa Newcomen. AllSaints', Braywood, National schools are comprised indeed poll of 19 May 1858, by Mr. Henry Darvill,and additional land by Colonel Victor W. B. Van deWeyer, by deed poll of 21 January 1900.

All Saints', Boyn Hill.

—In 1876 Emma Lamotte,by will proved at London 14 July, bequeathed £1,000in augmentation of the endowment of All Saints.The legacy was invested in £856 4 per cent. debenture stock of the Glasgow and South Western Railway Company, in the name of the EcclesiasticalCommissioners, producing £34 4s. 9d. a year.

The almshouses erected by Miss Frances MaryLamotte, and endowed by deed poll 10 July 1877(enrolled on 1 August following), occupy part of theland conveyed for the site of All Saints' Church.The endowment was further augmented under thewill of Miss Lamotte, proved at London 18 June1885. The trust property consists of the site andbuildings for six poor people, £453 19s. 9d. consols,£113 17s. 11d. Great Indian Peninsular Railway3 per cent. stock, and £82 8s. 11d. annuity class Bof the same railway, all held by the official trustees,which, after deduction for sinking fund, &c., producean income of £75 a year or thereabouts. Theinmates are appointed by the vicar, who selects poorwomen, usually of advanced age.

Town of Maidenhead.

— The municipal charitiesformerly administered by the corporation are nowadministered under an order of the Charity Commissioners of 10 September 1895, by a body oftrustees consisting of the mayor (ex officio), fourrepresentative trustees appointed by the town council,and five co-optative trustees. The following charitiescomprise the municipal charities, namely:—

The charity of Elizabeth Merry, founded by will,1686, consisting of a rent-charge of £5 a year ontwo houses in the High Street. The rent-charge isreceived from Mr. Charles Butler, and applied as ascholarship tenable at the girls' High School. (fn. 27)

The charity of Abraham Spoore for education andapprenticing, 1697, consists of trust property, amessuage in High Street let at £97 10s., and the'Vine' public-house in Market Street, let at £40.The income, subject to the payment of 20s. ayear to the poor of Twyford, is applied in apprenticeship premiums, usually of the value of £25, andof scholarships of the value of £10 a year, eachtenable at the modern school (see below).

The charity of Mrs. Mary Rixman, founded bywill, recited in an indenture dated 20 July 1628.The trust estate consists of a house and threecottages at Boyn Hill, let at £58 2s. 8d. a year,2 a. 2 r. 10 p. of allotment ground producing £8 11s.a year, 5 acres in Maidenhead Ray let at £13 2s. 6d.a year, and £234 14s. 11d. consols, producing£5 17s. 4d. a year, arising from the sale in 1892 of3 r. 4 p. at Cox Green to the Great Western Railway.The income is at present charged with £42 6s. ayear in repayment of a loan incurred in 1902 in theerection of two cottages at Boyn Hill. The available income is applied in apprenticing. Two boysout of three are chosen from the borough and thethird from the parish of Bray, the premium in eachcase being £25.

The charity of Thomas Ring, founded by will,20 July 1636, consisting of 4 a. 1 r. 12 p. with amessuage and outbuildings erected thereon, acquiredunder the Cookham inclosure award, dated 15 January1852, 3 r. 21 p. near North Town, a piece of landnear thereto with two cottages erected thereon, leton lease for ninety-nine years from Lady Day, 1876,at the yearly rent of £45, also four cottages andgardens at North Town let on yearly tenancies atrents amounting to £49.

A sum of about £50 a year, together with about£20 from Margaret Poole's charity next mentioned,is applied in an annual distribution of flannel andmen's overcoats.

The charity of Margaret Poole, founded by deed,3 March 1641, endowed with about 20 acres inWargrave let on lease for 500 years from 1800, atthe yearly rent of £30, of which £20 a year isapplied in the distribution of clothing (see Ring'scharity above), the residue being accumulated. In1908 there was a balance in hand of £76 13s. 6d.(see also the charity of Ralph Poole, below).

Lady Poco*ck's ecclesiastical charity.

—In 1818Dame Ann Poco*ck, by her will, proved with tencodicils in the P.C.C. on 30 July (among othercharitable bequests), bequeathed £2,000 for thesupport of Sunday schools, which was augmented bya legacy of £400 under the will of John InnesPoco*ck proved at London 1 May 1865. The twolegacies are represented by £3,092 14s. 6d. consols,producing £77 6s. 4d. a year, which is applied inproviding clothing and prizes for girls attendingChurch of England Sunday schools in the ecclesiasticalparishes of the borough.

Lady Poco*ck's non-ecclesiastical charity.

— Thesame testatrix by her said will and codicils directedcertain annual payments for charitable purposes(including £30 for the poor of Cookham parish), forthe poor of Maidenhead and Cookham in money,bread, coals, meat, &c., and in gifts to single womenservants who have lived in one service not less thanseven years in Maidenhead or its vicinity. Thetrust fund of this branch of the charity consists of£6,774 4s. 8d. consols, producing an annual incomeof £169 7s., of which £30 is paid to the parochialcharities of Cookham (see under Cookham parish)and the residue applied in pursuance of the provisionof a scheme of the Charity Commissioners of22 December 1890.

The almshouses, founded and endowed by JamesSmyth, citizen and salter of London, by deed, 1661,consist of eight almshouses for eight poor men andtheir wives, and are under the management of theSalters' Company. The original trust property hasby reason of inclosures, sales, purchases, and exchangesundergone considerable alterations.

The following subsidiary endowments have alsobeen made, namely: In or about 1680 Mrs. Smyth,presumably the widow of the founder, gave £200 tothe company for the poor, in respect of which £8 ayear is paid to the charity.

In 1764 by deed (enrolled) Mrs. Mary Parkhurstand Miss Elizabeth Smith, descendants of thefounder, settled an annuity of £50, charged oncertain lands in St. Mary, Rotherhithe, for thebenefit of the inmates. The annuity was redeemedin 1899, and is represented by £2,235 13s. 5d.India 2½ per cent. stock, of which £1,400 is incourse of accumulation.

In 1878 George Pearce by will, proved at London7 January, left £1,000 to the Salter's Company forthe use of the inmates. The legacy, less duty, wasinvested in £900 10s. 4d. Metropolitan 3½ per cent.stock in the corporate name of the company.

The charity is also endowed with 98a. 2 r. inthe parish of Bray, known as Norden Farm, let fortwenty-one years from 1894 at £140 10s. a year,also with £1,467 15s. 8d. consols on remittanceaccount, £1,783 12s. 9d. like stock accumulating, and£229 15s. 11d. India 2½ per cent. stock accumulating.

The available income amounts to £238 or thereabouts, out of which, under an order of the Court ofChancery of 1825, certain fixed payments amountingto £31 8s. are made annually, including £10 8s. tothe Cookham parochial charities and £8 to Beamond's Almshouses, Watford, Herts. The administration is regulated by a scheme of the CharityCommissioners of 14 March 1902. The stipends ofthe almspeople are at the rate of 6s. per week each,and each inmate receives also 1½ tons of coal annuallyand a coat or cloak every second year.

In 1716 Charles Davis by will devised his freehold estate at Maidenhead in trust for the use of thepoor of the town, subject to the payments thereinmentioned. The trust property consists of nos. 79and 81 High Street, let respectively for twenty-oneyears from 29 September 1902 at the yearly rent of£55, and twenty-one years from 29 September 1906 at£80 for the first ten years and thereafter at £100 a year.The charity is administered under a scheme of theCharity Commissioners of 26 April 1881 as amendedby a subsequent scheme of 25 September 1896; paid to the vicar for a sermon on 11 Novemberannually, 5s. to the church cleaner, and about £3 forrefreshments to the trustees. A sum of £25 a yearis usually paid to the vicar for St. Mary's coal andclothing clubs and £5 to each of the other clothingclubs in the borough, £10 a year in special cases ofdistress, and about £50 a year in the distribution ofcoals on 11 November to about 200 recipients.

In 1729 Richard Whitfield, by will proved in theP.C.C. 28 January, devised an annuity of £6 10s.issuing out of certain property in Wheatley, Oxfordshire, to be applied in money and clothing of fourpoor men and two poor women, residents in theborough. The annuity is received from the MissesSheldon, Cromwell House, Wheatley, of which onehalf is distributed by the mayor and the other halfby the vicar of St. Andrew's and St. Mary's to poorpersons resident in the borough in sums of 5s. each.

In 1797 Ann Seymour, widow, by will proved inthe P.C.C. 24 October, directed that stock shouldbe purchased sufficient to produce £20 a year which— subject to the life interest of her son Henry andhis wife (if surviving) and to the contingency of therebeing no issue—the testatrix directed should be appliedtowards the establishment of a school for poor girls tobe trained for domestic service. The charity came intooperation in 1835 on the decease of the son's widow.A school for girls had previously to that date beenestablished under Lady Poco*ck's charity (see above)and the income of this charity is now applied ingiving clothing of the value of about 37s. 6d. in eachcase, and a Bible and Prayer Book to girls leavingBrock Lane Sunday school (see below) and taking aplace in service, and in books for the general use ofthe Sunday school. The trust fund consists of£665 5s. 2d. consols, producing £16 12s. 4d. a year.

Miss Charity Shapland, who died in or about1835, by her will bequeathed her personal estate toher executor, Charles Williams, surgeon, upon trust,to apply the income as he should think fit for thebenefit of the poor of the town. Under orders ofthe Court of Chancery, 1858 and 1859, the trustfunds, amounting to £1,099 19s. 4d. consols, weretransferred to the official trustees. The annual dividends, amounting to £27 10s., are applied in thedistribution of clothing, usually in tickets of the valueof 5s. each, divided among the ecclesiastical parishesin the borough, in the proportion of half to St.Andrew's and St. Mary's, a quarter to St. Luke'sand a quarter to All Saints'. Grants are also madeto the clothing and maternity clubs.

Ralph Poole's charity.

—An ancient tablet in thechurch at Cookham states that Mr. Ralph Poole gaveby will £10 8s. yearly for ever out of an estate calledMunkendon's. The rent-charge, now £10 a year,paid as a charge on a dwelling-house in the HighStreet, was, by an order of the Charity Commissioners of 10 May 1901, vested in the official trusteeof charity lands, and by the same order it was provided that the charity should be administered by thetrustees of the municipal charities, and applied inthe supply of clothes, linen, fuel, tools, medical orother aid in sickness, or in temporary relief in moneyin special cases.

In 1869 Robert Wyvill, by will proved at Oxford22 September, bequeathed £400 to the incumbentand churchwardens of St. Mary Magdalene and St.Andrew, represented by £541 11s. consols, theannual dividends to be applied in the distribution atChristmas time of bread, coals, clothing or otherwiseamong deserving poor. The dividends, amountingto £13 10s. 8d., are applied in tickets for goods ofthe value of 2s. 6d. each.

In 1884 Emily Beeney, by her will proved atLondon 22 July, gave the residue of her estate toMiss Helen Mary Coney upon trust, to apply thesame among such of the deserving poor of the neighbourhood of Maidenhead as in her absolute discretion she should think fit. Miss Coney proposed toestablish almshouses therewith, but died before shehad carried out her intention (see charity next mentioned). The trust fund is represented by £603 8s. 9d.consols, producing £15 1s. 8d. a year, which undera scheme of 15 June 1887 is made applicable by thevicar and churchwardens of St. Luke's in paymentsnot exceeding 20s. each in December annually topoor widows being not less than fifty years of age andresident in that parish. The several sums of stockabove mentioned, except where otherwise stated, areheld by the official trustees in trust for the respectivecharities.

In 1886 Helen Mary Coney, by her will provedat London 29 May, bequeathed (after the decease ofthe survivor of two annuitants therein mentioned)£6,000 stock to the respective vicars of St. Luke'sand St. Mary's upon trust, to pay the income at therate of 6s. per week to each of such six old couplesas they should in their absolute discretion select—the survivor of such couples to retain the pension—and upon further trust to pay 5s. a week to widowsand spinsters of the age of sixty years or upwards.The estate being insufficient to pay the legacies infull, a sum of £5,644 0s. 1d. consols was in 1902,on the decease of the survivor of the two annuitants,transferred by the executors into the names of theRev. Henry George Jephson Meard and the Rev.Charles Hewitson Nash, then the incumbents of therespective parishes, by whom the dividends, amounting to £141 2s. a year, are applied in equal proportions in the manner directed by the testatrix.

The Samuel Lewis old age pension fund.

—Byhis will, proved at London 24 January 1901, SamuelLewis gave, after the decease of his wife (whichevent happened in 1906), £15,000 for such charitableinstitution or institutions at Maidenhead or Cookhamas his trustees should select. By an order of theHigh Court of 4 July 1908 it was directed that thelegacy (less the sum of £1,000 paid thereout to theMaidenhead boys' club) should be applied as to twothirds thereof in the provision of old age pensions inMaidenhead and as to one-third thereof for the likepurpose in the parish of Cookham (including Cookham Dean) in accordance with schemes filed 4 July1908. In pursuance of the same order the followingsecurities have been transferred to the official trustees,namely: £3,214 19s. Metropolitan Water ('B')3 per cent. stock, £3,018 16s. 4d. India 3½ percent. stock, and £1,090 11s. 9d. Bank of Irelandstock, producing in 1908 an aggregate income of£334 2s. 4d., which, in accordance with the provisions of the scheme, is applied in monthly paymentsat the rate of not exceeding £30 per annum formarried couples and not exceeding £20 per annumin the case of single men or women, widowers orwidows. For the one-third share applicable inCookham see under the parish of Cookham.

The Cottage Hospital and subsidiary endowments.

—The hospital buildings were erected by voluntarycontributions on a site purchased in 1878, and subsequent extensions have been carried out on adjoiningground purchased in 1897 and 1902. Samuel Lewis,by his will above referred to, bequeathed £10,000 tothe hospital for founding and endowing a wing to becalled the Ada Lewis Wing, of which £2,000 wasspent in its erection and equipment and the balanceof the legacy was in 1908 represented by £2,000Middlesex County 3 per cent. stock, £4,666 11s. 3d.colonial securities and £1,532 8s. 7d. Reading Corporation 3½ per cent. stock in the names of trustees,and £1,613 5s. 6d. on deposit with Lloyds Bank,producing an aggregate income of £308.

In 1904 John Gillham Womack, by will provedat London 29 September, directed that after thedecease or second marriage of his wife his trusteesshould out of his residuary trust funds raise the sumof £1,500, which he bequeathed free of legacy duty,for the endowment of a bed to be called theTaplow Bed, to be held so far as practicable at thedisposal of residents from the village of Taplow.

The Natioal school, East Street, founded in 1819,has no endowment other than the site and buildings,comprised in a deed of grant, 1862. The school isconducted as a Church of England public elementaryschool.

The National school, Brock Lane, comprised indeed, 1845 (enrolled), is now used as a Sunday schoolin connexion with the church of St. Andrew andSt. Mary Magdalene, and part is occupied by a caretaker. There is no income from endowment.

The Modern School.

—This school was opened in1894 by the Maidenhead Commercial School Company, Limited. The present school buildings andsite, comprised in deed of 7 June 1902, were subjectto a mortgage debt of £950, which is being repaidby instalments, the amount outstanding in 1908being £775 16s. 8d., and there was a sum of £200on deposit with Lloyds Bank. In 1906 the governorstransferred the management of the school to theBerkshire County Council as the local educationauthority. It is understood that the school, whichis inadequate for its purpose, will be removed tomore commodious premises.

Nonconformist Charities:—

Congregational Chapel Manse.

—In 1760, by deed(enrolled 24 October 1760), a sum of £333 6s. 8d.South Sea annuities was settled for the benefit of theminister of the meeting-house of Protestant Dissenters.In 1781, by deed (enrolled 23 July 1782), a furthersum of £400 was settled for the same purpose. Bya deed dated 8 June 1887 (enrolled 8 Novemberfollowing) a messuage in Marlow Road, known asGreenfield, was in consideration of £800 (towardswhich the above-mentioned trust funds were applied)conveyed to trustees to be used as a manse for theminister. The manse was in 1906 vested in theofficial trustee of charity lands, together with a smallpiece of adjoining land purchased with voluntarycontributions and comprised in an instrument oftransfer dated 25 May 1907. The premises areregistered under the Land Transfer Acts (Title 9647,T.). A sum of £8 a year is received from theminister by a way of rent, which is applied in paymentof repairs, insurance and other expenses.

In 1872 William Micklem Eyles, by will provedat London 1 October, gave (after the decease of aperson therein named) to the deacons for the timebeing of the Congregational chapel, known as BackLane Chapel, his residuary personal estate to beapplied yearly in the distribution of coals to poor anddeserving persons in quantities not exceeding one ton,the names of the recipients and the entire cost to bepresented yearly to each member of the church, andthe testator declared that in case the directionstherein given were not carried out for a periodof three years the said residue should pass to theRoyal National Lifeboat Institution. The sum of£910 11s. 7d. consols, representing the bequest, wasreceived in 1895, and now stands in the names ofJames Jones, James Moores and Charles Alfred Vardy.The dividends, amounting to £22 15s., are duly applied.

Kidwells Park, originally the gift of James DanielMorling Pearce by deed poll 23 July 1890 (enrolled31 July following), consisted of 12 acres lying betweenMarlow Road and Market Street, on part of which atechnical institute was erected in 1893–4. By deeddated 1 June 1901, with the sanction of the CharityCommissioners, a portion of the premises was exchanged for four houses in Bridge Street and twohouses in Victoria Street let on long leases at theyearly rents of £30 and £15 respectively. Theincome of the charity consists of £45 from the houseproperty and payments received from cricket andother clubs using the recreation ground.

Bray with the borough of Maidenhead: Churches and charities (2024)


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